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Hamari Pahchan is a non-governmental organization, striving and working to make Delhi safer and happier place to live. It provides a platform to the deserving people from the society, to create their own identity and carve out niche for themselves.

The organization has been up and running for the past many years. With collaboration and support of the Delhi police, School Teachers, Advocates, experienced Doctors and especially the school and college youth, the organization has come a long way with now over 10000 active members working relentlessly to support the cause.

MISSIONWe seek a world of hope, tolerance and social justice, where poverty has been overcome and all people live with dignity and security.

VISION-It’s is to help everyone in creating their own ‘Pahchan’ meaning ‘identity’ and live a life with dignity.

These are the following projects which the NGO is currently working on:-

1)Skill Development Program– This project aims to empower the underprivileged women by making them capable enough to earn their own bread resulting in financial-independence.

I personally have been a part of this project. To visit the link to learn more about the project and how your donations can help click here

2)Drishti Project-‘Drishti’ is an initiative by ‘Hamari Pahchan’ NGO to bridge the gap between the privileged and underprivileged children of the society.

3)Media Training Program-This organization provides training program in ‘Digital Media and Marketing’ to the youth, which helps them in sustaining their livelihood and gain confidence of self sufficiency, so that they become well trained to make use of employment opportunities in the world.

4)Good Touch Bad Touch– The NGO covered various schools and slums, explaining kids about the types of touch and how we should respond to themIt is very important for each and every child to understand the difference, between a GOOD touch and a BAD touch, irrespective of their  class or gender.

5)Legal Education ProgramLack of awareness among the people in the society, about their legal rights is the reason behind the exploitation of underprivileged people in the society. ‘Hamari Pahchan’, tries to eliminate this lack of awareness from the society, by organizing free legal awareness camps in the slum areas.

6)Mohalla Clinic– “Health is a human necessity; Health is a human Right-James Lenhart”. This organization is associated with MedOnGo pvt. Ltd to create ‘Mohalla Clinics’ for the people in the areas where healthcare hasn’t reached or very expensive medical facilities makes the poor incapable to get themselves cured.

7)Covid-19-Corona Help-This helped the distribution of food and essentials to the those underprivileged families who had been affected post covid.

8)Sukhad Project– This project aims to help provide access to menstrual hygiene products to the underprivileged women .

I have also been a part of this project. To learn more click here.

Hamari Pahchan NGO has been working in India in providing ‘Pahchan’ to individuals, empowering women and educating children. The team and organization is supported by government, Delhi Police and Private Companies. This NGO believes that each and every individual must help someone in need and be a part of the ‘Help Chain’. Even the smallest of your contributions can make a big difference in the society. You can make your Pahchan!

To learn more about this Ngo and participate-

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