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Raju Srivastava Dies At 58: “Don’t Know How To Say Goodbye”

Raju Srivastava was, but an undisputed public figure and artist who could very well in his capacity relate to the nerve, pulse, feelings and capacity in different genres and categories instinctively and distinctively, from starring in laughter shows to comedy films. He was a great and genius par excellence elating, delighting, exciting and amusing with his sense of comedy and humour which came naturally to him.

Known as the comedy cult of the country, his appearance and presence on stage and screen were enough to stoke our memories and imaginations, smoothly sailing off all the commonsensical thoughts and notions. Someone who wore many hats in his right, it is difficult for us to digest this news. That he has left the world after a prolonged battle with his health conditions, snatching away a soul who stood true to his talent, tone and taste. Nobody knew he would take an early flight to heaven to be forever by the side of the almighty.

Gajodhar, we don’t know how to say goodbye as for the loss of words, sentences and paragraphs



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