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Indian Media: Does It Involve Trust Or Trustees?

(NOTE: this is my 1st write-up on this platform)

Often considered the fourth pillar of our Democracy, the question is whether it is governed by the trust of the people or by the influence of our so-called Political and Corporate minds.

With time devastating changes have taken place in the field of Press and its working system. We have evolved in a way that we always see as a hope to get the clarity of the situation that we witness in our community. In this place, the reality is shown, an opportunistic place to question your rights and public opinion has always been a Prime concern. But now, it has been more than that, unfortunately being transformed into a gloom-ridden approach.

Various factors are accountable for the loss of freedom and trust that Media Houses are dropping. The so-called powerful percentage of our population is way more influential, which majorly accounts on to the ‘Media Holders’ and the ‘Backroom people’. 

Within our country, the Media is scrutinized as a Ray of Hope, many believe that it’s an actual commentator of their views or wants and a decoder of the bureaucrats. Now, some has become just a differentiator between people’s hope and aspiration. The nexus of the outside party involvements hinders the progressive freedom of the citizens as well as the media houses. The desire for Power & Money may be a regressive factor as well. But apart from the biased media houses, there are still journalists who are still on the go to get the TRUST of the public and oppose fearlessly against the system.

We must appreciate the fact that despite all the challenges, fears and regulatory gaps – Media is still considered for its appreciable efforts, as it’s the platform for people from all levels to represent themselves.

The opaque view must be removed from journalism, and full transparency is the need of the hour. Ethical advocacy needs to be promoted and appreciated with of course, the disinvolvement of the Treaties between the Negative Influencers trying their Blatant Attempts. Overall, if we see, regulation and is required to stop the unfair practices and make people believe in the true value of Media.

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