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How To Conquer Your Fear

I will meet the storm, I will not fear its brow.

I’m not talking about calming the storm, I’m talking about calming the fear. When we are afraid of something or something, why do those things want to hold us back? We don’t know when or how fear will overtake us. Overcoming that fear is not easy.

For example, you are quite successful in studies; He has been doing good results so far. But suddenly a panic is working in your mind, if this time you can not do well? If the success of so far gone in an instant? Fear is the biggest factor that holds us back, not moving forward.

 There are many mental obstacles in our life. Fear is chief among them, and the way it holds us back is a great challenge to move forward. Today we will talk about how we can eliminate this unnecessary, unwanted fear, how we can ignore the frown of fear and move forward.

Image Courtesy: Google

What do we do when we are afraid?

When we suddenly feel fear, our hands and feet are numb, the head does not work, the head spins, everything seems dark. Fever comes, many people faint! At that time we do not know what to do, who to ask for help. I am filled with fear of the unknown, thinking of things that will not happen. Anxiety often makes mistakes, which can be worse than failure. If you think about what will happen instead of facing the fear, the fear will not go away, but it will make it more difficult. Here are some ways we can do in such situations. Maybe by reading this the fear will not go away completely, but gradually you will find the way to conquer that fear .

take a break

Image Courtesy: Google

If you do the same type of work or do the same work over and over again, you get a little bored. If any kind of fear or anxiety fills you, take a break from the daily grind. Can take tea or coffee break. If you have time, you can visit a little outside. Take a break from work or study. Whatever your fear is dealing with the most, stop walking around that fear for a while. You will see – after some time you will feel very refreshed, you can start all over again. If you take such a break every now and then, it is expected that your fear will gradually decrease.

  Do breathing exercises

When fear overwhelms all your senses, try to calm yourself down. Breathe in slowly, but deeply. Sit in a place where there is plenty of oxygen. Breathe slowly and take time. Hold the breath for some time and release it slowly. You will feel very light. If the supply of oxygen to the body is more, the inner discomfort is reduced to a great extent. Breathing exercises are very important for the well-being of both body and mind. In many cases, yoga works very well to control or eliminate inner fear. 

Yoga is very helpful in overcoming fear Image source:

Face the fear

Suppose you have a fear of heights. When you look down from a tall building or a flyover, your world changes. It seems to fall now. Now if you go up a little bit every day, and try to look down, your fear will slowly go away. In many cases, expert help is needed to eliminate this phobia. 

We all have more or less fear of heights Image source: GoPro

Don’t try to be the best

Do you know what is the biggest reason to fear us? If I can’t, if I lose – you know why we think that? Because we want to be the best. We want no one to defeat us. This is one of the biggest mistakes in our life. Because, none of us are the best, none of us can be all-rounders. We should not try to be what we are not. Therefore, what we are, we should be. When we want to be something beyond our expectations, the fear of failure, the fear of failure will creep into us. 

Do what you like

Think about the things that make you feel good, think about that time. Do what you like. If you like reading books, take a break from the monotony and read books for some time. If you like gardening, do it. Spend time on the balcony every afternoon with a cup of coffee. Take a walk on the roof. Try to get up in the morning. Think back to a time when you were happiest.

Read books, drink coffee, give yourself time Image source: pxhere

That is, spend time with yourself. Give yourself the gift of your favorite things. For example, if you like watches, buy a nice watch. Perform your own religious rituals. These activities are very helpful in overcoming fear.

Talk about fear

One of our biggest mistakes is that we want to hide the things that we are afraid of. We keep those words to ourselves, wondering what people will say . This suppression slowly eats away at us. A huge wall of fear surrounds us, through which we cannot get out on our own.

In this case, it may be necessary to talk to friends, family, and doctors if necessary. As we share words, the walls of fear around us begin to slowly move away. In many cases, medication or therapy may be needed, even if the fear level is a little high. 

Face the fear Image source:

Those who wander in the realm of fear, do not let these things go forward. Pulls back again and again. Just as everything in our life is not perfect, it cannot be that everything will be consumed by fear. Whatever fear comes, it must be faced without looking back . Instead of not taking the exam thinking about what will happen if I fail the exam, I will answer the exam to the best of my ability. I will accept the result. If this attitude can be seen in every fearful subject, slowly the fear will disappear. If fear overwhelms you, if nothing else, at least share the words with someone close to you.

Our advice may not eliminate your fear, but it can show you how to overcome your own. Try to see if you can overcome the fear!

Feature Image: Tao In You

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