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Why I Think Living In A Village Is Better Than A City

Life In Village

The chirping of birds in the village, green trees, the fields spread all around make the mind happy, which makes the mind healthy as well as physical healthy.We all know how much pollution there is in cities, to eat fresh air, we have to go to the garden or garden in some open air because due to the noise in the city we do not get the open air but the biggest advantage of living in the village is That there is open healthy and cool air. Due to the presence of trees and plants, the environment there remains clean and clean.

Availability of fresh vegetables

  • In cities, we get the same vegetables that the vegetable seller gives us or we buy from the vegetable market, but we do not even know whether those vegetables are fresh or not. Due to our busy everyday life, we buy only those vegetables which are easily available to us.
  • Some people even go to the mall and buy vegetables which are stale or even several days old, consuming them is even more harmful.
  • Pesticides and other types of chemicals and medicines are added to the vegetables found in the cities, so that they look fresh and the people living in the city have to consume these vegetables even if they do not want to, due to which many types of diseases arise is.
  • Vegetables are healthy for our health, but those same vegetables ultimately spoil our health.
  • The biggest advantage of living in the village is that we get to eat fresh vegetables from there through the fields which do not contain any kind of pesticides.
  • By consuming such fresh vegetables, the people living in the village remain fit and healthy and our body gets sufficient amount of nutrition from vegetables.
  • The vegetables that farmers cultivate in the village are eaten by the people of the village, due to which we get complete nutrition of vegetables and there is no harm in any kind.


The people living in the village are more disciplined than the people living in the city.

It is seen in the village that people live with a lot of rules and regulations, their sleeping and waking times are fixed.

The routine of people in cities is very busy, people often do not get time to exercise due to which they also have many health related problems.

 One reason for this is also that the people of the village do more physical labor than the people of the city.

 The people living in the village get up early in the morning and do all the work and go to sleep early in the night, due to which their body gets complete rest and the body also remains healthy.

 From food and drink to all other work and discipline, they do it on a fixed time only, but due to the busy routine of the people living in the city, this discipline is lacking a lot.

Here the sleeping and waking hours of people are not fixed, most of the people make a habit of waking up late at night and sleeping till late in the morning, due to which they get many health related problems.

The atmosphere of the village is quieter than that of the city

Everyone living in the city agrees that there is a lot of noise in the cities.
 We do not find any place other than our home where there is peace and if we want such a place, then we have to go to a garden or a temple or an ashram. But this is not the case in the village.
 The village is not as crowded as it is in the cities, there is more peace in the village than in the cities.
 Wherever you go in the cities, you will find it crowded. The main reason for this is also that people from different villages of the country come and settle in the cities due to job or other reasons, due to which the number of people living in cities increases a lot.
 For this reason, the cost of houses in cities is increasing day by day. We get all the goods at double the price because the number of people using these things is very high but this is not the case in the village. There is more land in the village but the people living there are less and that is why there is not much crowd and noise there.

Villages are also becoming smart villages

Earlier the villages of India were considered to be very backward, but in the last few years it has been found that now our villages are also becoming smart villages, now all the facilities are being available in the villages which are in the cities.
 Now the people living in the village are getting all the facilities which are available to the people living in the city. For example, electricity facilities, pucca houses, pucca roads, hospitals, schools, colleges and all other facilities related to sports are also available.
 Just as online business has become prevalent in cities nowadays, similarly now due to internet facility in the village, you can also do online business.
 Our government has now provided all the facilities in the villages and now the people of the village are not only limited to other works like agriculture but can also do more new work.
 Be it the problem of electricity, water or employment, now our government has provided all these facilities in the villages too. As our cities are becoming smart cities. Now our villages are also becoming smart villages by getting rid of the dirt, where the facility of toilets has also been made by the government.

Now living in villages is as beneficial and easy as in cities.

Featured image is for representative purposes only. Image credit – Pixabay
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