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Long Live St Mary’s! “I Was, I Am And I Will Always Be A Marian”

(Originally published in the Marianette St Mary’s Senior Secondary School 2021-2022)

It gives me immense joy to pen my thoughts about my alma mater for the school magazine. It is a special year for St Mary’s as it celebrates 25 years of its excellent education journey.

Photo: Yasmeen Tabassum

It has been five years since I passed from school, and I have never forgotten its motto, “Competence for Commitment”. It continues to inspire me and help me become a more responsible and humble human being. St Mary’s is not just an institution that imparted me education but a part of my identity.

Me in front of my school. Photo: Hitesh Choudhary

As I look upon 13 years of life at St Mary’s, many memories flood my mind and bring a broad smile. The school was a perfect blend of learning and fun. A beautifully knitted mixture of emotions. There was happiness and sadness, leanings and disappointments, anxiety and excitement. I truly cherish and miss every moment spent here. I was given ample opportunities to grow to my full potential. Be it class assemblies, seat change, sports, dance, singing, drama, competitions, test or my appointment as the Editor. Just like a piece of rock turns into a beautiful statue when in skilled hands, my teachers have moulded me into who I am today.

No matter the technological advancements, values are never outdated. At St Mary’s, we were not only taught values; we practised them. We were not only trained to pursue academic excellence but were also empowered to become lifelong learners, critical thinkers and productive members of society.

I have seen my alma mater grow. Today, St Mary’s is standing up like a mighty fortress which has braved numerous storms, no matter how big and small. This institution has been possible only because of the ceaseless dedication and commitment of every person ever associated with it as a Manager, Principal, Head Mistress, Faculty, Management and Students in its journey. Words of appreciation to all.

A Chinese proverb says, “If you want one year of prosperity, grow grain. If you want ten years of prosperity, grow trees. If you want 100 years of prosperity, grow people.”

I am proud and elated for St Mary’s is engaged in growing people. This is supreme service to nation-building. I feel privileged to be a part of the Marian Family.

Concluding, I wish success and laurels to all at St Mary’s. I humbly thank St Mary’s for helping me grow and discover myself. Words are insufficient, but I cannot end this without extending my deepest gratitude to my teachers, who have empowered me to dream big and achieve those dreams. You have been a constant source of inspiration. My emotional attachment to this abode of learning will linger in me till my last breath.

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