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51 Ways To Make Yourself Busy During Lockdown

Stay positive during lockdown
It is truly said that time is a great healer and we all have witnessed that during the difficult times of Covid-19 pandemic driven worldwide lockdown, we have learned that this time proved itself as a great teacher. What did we learn from this difficult time? Have we utilised it or wasted it? That’s the question. This period might be proved the best or the worst for learners so they must try their best to ensure that these times could be used with cent percent efficacy. So what could be done? If we are truly interested, we could make it the best time for learning and to develop the best of the best skills during our compulsory home stay while being near to dear ones. There are plenty of opportunities out there which could be availed without giving any excuse of social limitations and legal boundaries. The list mentioned below is filled with vivid examples of exciting, engaging and interesting activities which could be done during lockdown at home.

  1. Gardening ( grow your own veggies and be a gardener)
  2. Painting ( decorating your home with your own colours)
  3. Cooking ( know how to be a cook or best cook)
  4. Cleaning and hygiene ( Surrounding and self)
  5. Meditation and yoga (self-help by spiritual upliftment)
  6. Workouts and exercises (let’s maintain a healthy body like cycling and running)
  7. Creative writing (Express yourself through poems and diary writing)
  8. Recycling (Need of an hour due to environment)
  9. Grooming (Time to urself )
  10. Saving and investing (Money management)
  11. Helping Others ( Support your society )
  12. Music ( Grab any one out of three
  13. Playing Indoor physical games
    14.learning through Online course and practices
  14. Work on your Mental health (through expanding knowledge and awareness)
  15. Remove Generation gap ( know your elders and learn from them)
  16. Hairstyling and hair cuttings experiments
  17. Try establishing a small business online ( try to experience becoming an entrepreneur)
  18. Animal care
  19. Teaching ( teach your juniors)
  20. Reading books and try to write one
  21. Learn Communication when Online ( email etc.
  22. Work on your areas of improvements
  23. Self-care Improvements
  24. Scrapbooking
  25. Dancing
    27.Learn to play an instrument
  26. Learn a language
  27. Blogging
  28. Video making
  29. Acting
  30. listening to audiobooks
  31. Try some makeovers
  32. Celebrate no technology day or hours
  33. join online free clubs as per your interests
  34. Organizing Exciting online competition
  35. Decluttering
    40- Vlog making
  36. Pet care
    42- Telephonic conversations to boost morale
    43- Understand Covid and share awareness ( update your knowledge regarding Covid to help self and others)
    44- process of unlearning ( bad habit )
    45-online training
    46- Net surfing
    47- Change the interior of room for freshness
    48- practice to remain calm and silent, just become an observer
    49-online games
    51- connect with nature
    This list is useful for those who really want to ensure their unstoppable holistic development.
    Students must understand that balance is very important in our life no matter under what circumstances. This pandemic is alarming that no hazards are neither domestic nor local. We must consider the entire world as our home and that is why it is very important to be considerate towards taking measures against any possible or probable dangers, pollutants, or hazards. High time so that we can find harmony between human and nature otherwise human will pay the price.
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