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4 Recent News Reflects The Society And The Wave Of Change

During my school days, maths was a nightmare for me. Whatever I say, whatsoever I tried I failed to sow a seed of affection towards this thing. I am amazed how people end up loving it. But then, as I grew up I feel the importance of the concepts taught at school, I start loving the simple calculations with time which are useful in my daily life.

An equation from basic algebra makes sense to me.

R.H.S= L.H.S

In life, we have to do adjustments to many things and end up not having such an appropriate balance like this.

Every other day things happen, sometimes we make alliances with them, or other times they end up balancing themselves but yet some other times we have to become a rebel.

Rebel against the ill-treatment we face, the judgements we hear, and the laws we see due to ill-mentality.

We studied education is everything, hell no!!!

Education adds up to who you are. As to be in a superior post like a judge you really need to be educated but you can’t be a good person.

4 judgements recently spread fire amongst people.

1. Kerala court made a statement that rape happens due to women’s provocative clothing.

2. The icing on the cake two days after he further made a statement, that this woman wasn’t raped or touched because she was scheduled caste.

3. Some two months back I read a statement given by the Bombay High Court judge that a little bit of touching or using bad things will not consider rape.

4. The most empowered one was a U.P woman cutting the balls of the person who tried to rape her daughter.

Coming back to the first statement- The entire Western culture wears whatever they want, do they get raped as often as poor Indian girls? I know life is more difficult for women in many other countries, but as an educated voice, I must raise my own voice against such baseless content.

Such mentality further extends with statements like “apni biwi ya girlfriend dhakki ahi lag hai, coz men know how the other man is thinking of their property!!!” They have all the rights, women don’t. Bullshit, the problem is with the system, thinking and now with the law! How can such statement be released?

Adding to this the second statement happened, the girl was released without rape as she was an S.C. Oh lord, why don’t you just die? We aren’t teaching our kids such things living in a so-called secular nation.

There is a critical problem. We need to look into that. Are we ready for our kids to be in such an environment?

The third statement was yet a shock. A little bit of touching will not be considered rape! What happened to the confidence of a girl when they travelled in local transport and found out her back is wet because some moron just rubbed himself taking advantage of the crowd? Or girls who are stared at even in burkhas? Or even some man from a little distance unzip himself just to show his private part to the girl because the road is not as busy as it should be; that to it was in the daylight. Or why we are teaching the lessons of “good-touch or bad-touch” in schools if such things are existent in our laws?

Please speak and pass a statement only if you think it is valid and doesn’t look offensive to the mass public.

The fourth statement is something I related to the mathematics balance equation rule. The L.H.S to me is the law we trust and follow in our country and the R.H.S is the woman who did it because with god’s grace her daughter was not yet raped but could have been. And maybe many more girls by the same person.

In India we see a woman in many avatars; this is true “a Kali” avatar to me, that even in our mythology it is supported when there is a danger to the child; a mother turns into one.

I do not support bloodshed or killing; but it’s been a while since I read numerous cases where girls were raped, tortured and killed mercilessly. Not all cases are heard like “Nirbhaya”. That too the justice comes with exceptions or chances like ‘releasing one accused because he was a minor or ‘taking advantage of a policy to release rape accused that recently happen in ’Bano’s case’’.

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