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If You Enjoyed Playing PUBG, You May Want To Check These 3 Mobile Games Out

There are various mobile games you have probably played. But do you know there are some unknown games you don’t know about. These games not only have stunning graphics, but they are also addictive and a lot of fun to play. So, let’s take a look at the top unknown games you can play on your Android and iOS devices.

1. Medulla.

This game by Lemondo Entertainment is probably the best they have made so far. This 2D platformer game is full of mysteries and adventures. In this game, a young character called Takito goes to various unknown environments where he tackles various bizarre creatures and obstacles.

So, if you like to play a scary game, you can check out this game.

2. Guns & Spurs 2.

After the huge success of Guns & Spurs, its developer Sakis25 has made its successor Guns & Spurs 2. This game, like its previous one, is also based on the Western Sheriff style but with new challenges and a new story line

You can check out this game on the play store or the app store if you like full-action old west sheriff style games.

3. The Walking Dead : A New frontier.

You’ve probably played The Walking Dead Seasons One and Two on your mobile device. But do you know? There is also a third season called The Walking Dead: A New Frontier, which is available on your smartphone devices. In this story-based game, zombies have taken control of the world. A young girl called Clementine fights with zombies in order to save civilization.

If story-based zombie games are your favorite, you should definitely play this game.

So, these were the top unknown and awesome smartphone games. You can download all these games on your mobile devices through the Google Play Store or App Store. If you want more top games lists like this, please let me know. Till then, keep smiling and keep playing games.

What are some mobile games you want to recommend to other gamers?

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