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Quick Bytes: Who Was Shinzo Abe?

Shinzo Abe

Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was shot in broad daylight while campaigning for elections in western Japan as his assassin mistook him for being connected to a banned organization. However, he didn’t escape after the episode casts aspersions on the real motive behind this plot.

Shocking and frightening, sending shivers down our spine, he will always be notably remembered for his contributions to international diplomacy, peace accords, treaties and trade agreements, shaping and nurturing his soft skills of persuasion, negotiations, bargains and collaborations. He established his credentials as a leader of a stature and reputation, which was matchless and flawless.

Without a doubt, Abe’s ability to comprehend and contextualize the circumstances and situations from a QUAD summit to technology transfers with India, Abe was brilliantly bold with his blueprint, especially for its extracts commanding affection and adoration at home and outside. His unfortunate and untimely demise should remind us of the struggles and stresses which made him reach this glory and pinnacle. I am at a total loss of words today.

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