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Closely Observing The Performance Of All Countries

We are closely observing the performances of all the countries! There are no acting legends… No script has been written… No one is the official director of this theatre! ….. Only …. Trembling to their tune……. all these artists! …… Syria… Indulges in civil wars! ….. America seemed to fail with all the promises! The Middle East has resolved to destroy the Gulf countries! …… Qatar and Iran followed! ….. The market for the fire of weapons was needed! Israel is considered a nursing practitioner! He became America’s host! America’s eyes don’t go to Yemen’s devastation! Saudi Arabia …… arms from the US and….. ruins Yemen by buying ammunition. America’s long hands are protecting Prince Salman from violating women’s rights and strangulating noted international journalist “Jamaal Kasogi”!…… Democratic waves are spreading in Sudan, Hong Kong, and many countries!……. So far America didn’t care about it! …… Today, if Iran recovers after the Islamic Revolution, the economic sanction is imposed !….. History also recalls the incident when the US invaded Iraq in 2003 and the conclusion came to nothing!…… Hundreds of people in the world have to do positive things! The battle of the tongue does not adorn Kim-Jung! …… Britain is embroiled in the European Union over its Brexit! …… Germany has ever been embroiled in the problem of refugees! …… The Yellow Movement started in France! ….. President Recep Erdogan’s defeat in Istanbul suggests that Turkey is not happy with his modus operandi! …….. We are beginning to realize the waves of autocracy! …… China’s various projects have put India to sleep! India also has no good relations with its neighbors! ….. China has been dominating the Indian Ocean from the Pacific Ocean! …… Not only the US but the world is telling us ‘Atrocities on the backward classes in India… Killing people from mob lynching …. Hundreds of children were killed in Gorakhpur and Muzaffarpur. How many Akhlaqs have come the day? Gauri Lankesh to death… And our “chief servant”…is busy in …… Yoga Day…… and….. in Ayushman Bharat. The millions of millions of rupees are being withdrawn from the treasures of Indian revenue. Nobody had expressed condolences over these deaths. What else is this if not our misfortune? …. ….. The defense deal from Russia is to do… Buy oil from Iran… Laying pipelines…… So, the US has just put additional tariffs on 2000 exported Indian goods… And look ahead to what happens. … In this theatre, the heads of the whole world have their dignity? Noble behavior… Acting in a mannered?… History will check and reflect their gestures!


DrLakshman Jha Parimal

Sound Health Clinic

S.P.College Road


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