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Poem: Is Success At The Cost Of Happiness?

Representational image of a happy woman.

They say for your future,
You should toil day and night,
And sacrifice.

That you should abstain from the little joys,
they are mere distractions in the path of your success.

And you should compromise,
Compromise with your present,
To secure a brighter future.

But if we can’t be happy in the present,
In this moment,
What’s there to nurture?

Does only killing your ease,
And uncomfortable situations,
Lead to success?

Or shouldn’t be it the other way round,
The hard work,
And not the work seems hard.

Which gives a glint in your eyes of contentment and glee,
Why do we not thrive and persevere?

And not carry the boulders of the success on our shoulders,
But be happy in the process in present and future to be.

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