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The Queer Story In ‘Modern Love: Mumbai’ Is Etched In My Heart Forever

A gay couple dancing in a still from Modern Love: Mumbai

Spoilers ahead!

The episode titled “Baai” in “Modern Love: Mumbai”, revolves around grim issues like homophobia and Islamophobia, yet the way it poetically captures the triumph of love over all its adversaries, etched it in my heart forever.

The episode narrates the story of yet another closeted individual, Manzu, who was made to feel sorry for who he is when he tried to assert his identity, defying the stereotypical norms of his household, as he hails from a conservative Muslim family.

Baai, the grandmother of Manzu, is the matriarch of the household. She is revered by everyone in the house and is their shield against all the adversities, especially as depicted in the instances of Bombay riots of 1992-’93, where she single-handedly protected her family from a squad of goons.

Baai was Manzu’s refuge on his gloomy days, yet he struggled to open up to her regarding his homosexual identity.

Her figure was used as an authoritarian figure by the family members of Manzu, especially his parents, to influence him to shun his identity. It made him part from his family and resort to his passion i.e., music.

When Manzu Ghosted Rajveer

The episode constantly oscillates between the present and past incidents of Manzu’s life, that he reminisces when he revisits his house, Lucky Manzil, to meet his ailing grandmother, who is fighting with death.

Baai, more than a human of flesh and blood, stood as a metaphor for normative traditions to be socially acceptable that Manzu’s family, especially his parents, imposed upon him and his sister Rehana.

The bond between a grandson and his grandmother is explored beautifully, in the episode titled “Baai” in “Modern Love: Mumbai”. Photo credit:

Even though Rehana had to suppress her desires and let the love she had for her lover die, by marrying someone of her family’s choice, Manzu could break free from these baseless norms establishing his abode in Goa.

Food and music were the cupids that united Manzu with the love of his life, Rajveer. It’s only after meeting Rajveer that he embraces himself and feels proud of himself.

It isn’t easy, initially, as after their first date, Manzu ghosts Rajveer since it brought back in him the fear of rejection because the last time he expressed his love, he was exposed in front of his parents and was ill treated by them.

But, Rajveer gave Manzu his shoulder and promised him saying that, “Manzu, I won’t hurt you”, assuring him that he is and will be there for him always.

The Best Nihari Mazu Has Ever Had

Baai becomes the knot that ties Rajveer and Manzu together. Their conversation culminates from the recipe of nihari Rajveer cooked for Manzu, mesmerized by his performance.

While Rajveer told Manzu that this was the best nihari he would ever have, Manzu replied back he has had better nihari before cooked by his baai.

Then, Rajveer says something which I shall remember for a long time: “The most important ingredient of food is love”, which is so true as love makes everything alluring.

Though in the end, Rajveer and Manzu woo each other with Manzu’s mother, his brother-in-law and sister as testimony to their marriage. Later on, everyone accepts their marriage in the family, but it’s only baai who was kept unaware of Manzu’s marriage.

When Manzu revisits Lucky Manzil to meet baai one last time, their last conversation is worth remembering. As she asks Manzu if he is happy and he replies saying yes, she keeps on insisting to let her know who he is in love with.

Why Cooking With Love Is Important

Manzu keeps on denying her. At last, he confesses that he had a roommate named Rajveer who is a renowned chef and cooks very well.

Baai, on hearing this, asks, “Mujshe se bhi badhiyaan?” (better than me?). Then, she asks: “Pyaar karta hai tujshe?” (does he love you?), “Tu pyaar karta hai ussey?” (do you love him?)

This leaves Manzu astonished though he slightly nods his head agreeing to the fact they both love each other. However, baai’s last words before her death will resonate inside me for a long time: “Pata hai khane mein sabse ahem kya hota hai?” (when cooking, do you know what the main ingredient is?)

“Masale” replies Manzu. “Sirf pyaar, sirf pyaar,” (only love) corrects baai. For Manzu, even though nobody could ever replace her, but the love she has for him in her heart is transferred to Rajveer through the medium of food.

All You Need Is Love

I, at times, felt baai would have never forbidden Rehana to marry the love of her life or would have never made Manzu admonish himself for who he is. Rather, if she knew, she would have enfolded them in her arms with love and care.

However, unfortunately, nobody considered her to be a safe place to open up about their deepest secrets and insecurities, but when Manzu does, we see how baai accepts him and his choice with open arms.

Food acts as the inheritance of love in “Baai”. Till baai was alive, her love and care for Manzu was reflected in the food she cooked for him which enriched its taste.

With Rajveer’s arrival in Manzu’s life, the responsibility to keep him happy shifted to his shoulders, indirectly, through food that connected both of their hearts.

Featured image photo credit: IMDB.
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