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Women Enjoyed Equal Status In The Vedic Period, But That’s Not The Case Anymore

sculptures from a temple in Khajuraho

Reading and interpreting India’s ancient Indian history gives us a deep insight into the status of women in those times. Let us take a walk in the lanes of the early Vedic period today. It is fascinating to know that women were never discriminated against on the basis of their gender. The society was free then and women enjoyed equal status. There were no signs of this deep-seated patriarchal society. status of women in vedic period: ref image The feminine and their femininity was gracefully respected. Women could be found in every field. They were both scholars and warriors. They were also politicians and traders. They were artisans. They also fought in battlefields. Yes, you read that right!

Ancient Hindu Scriptures Preach Equality

India has been a culture full of spiritualism since the ancient times. We believe in karma (what goes around comes around) and aatma (soul). We are a culture that was focused on gaining wisdom and liberation. Teachings to do with kindness and equality have been preached. As our ancestors said: If our ancient scriptures preach oneness then how did discrimination based on gender, caste etc. seep into our society? If, during the beginning of the Hindu civilisation, our ancestors were so progressive then what happened such that the status of women degraded to such an extent in our present society? If women could be found in every field thousands of years ago, then why not today? What are the causes? And, why are women still struggling to establish an equilibrium in the so-called, progressive 21st century? Did we not read or interpret our scriptures correctly, or are we blatantly influenced by the mistranslation and misinterpretation? To correctly analyse the current situation of women, we must step back into the past.

We Are A Culture That Worships Women

A culture that literally worshipped women, has now been stuck in the invaded past and the events of hundreds of years that has distanced us from our real identities. To improve the current situation of women and people in general, we need to go back to our roots. We need to read, implement and spread the unbiased wisdom of our ancient texts. Since, our society is largely inclined to “culture” and “tradition”, people are unquestioningly following anything in the name of “Indian culture” No, that is not the true essence of Indian culture… Not even close! And it is our responsibility as educated youths, to bring up the unbiased truths of our glorious culture. Because, it will give us a strong foundation to fight the present day, regressive, societal structures. On this women’s day, let’s try to go back to our true roots and find the true meaning of freedom, liberty and, yes of course, feminism!

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