‘Stri’ is not just a gender identity. She is a wholesome person bestowed with all the great virtues and merits. Women and men are undoubtedly equal under professional backgrounds but there is far more distinction between both of them when it comes to their social, biological and mental contexts.
We Indians always try to imitate the Western culture, their structure of houses, policies and industries, but fail to recall how much they give importance to physical and mental freedom. Nonetheless, kickstarting the idea of women empowerment is good in itself to change the ambience of Indian society for women and for those who differentiate with opportunities and chances in women work and home space.
“It’s the era of women, so let’s see them conquer their ambitions.”
In metropolitan cities, women coming from towns or rural areas find themselves in a situation of enormous disparity. Women empowerment to me is to emphasise the three E’s, i.e. Equality, Empathy and Education for women. These three rules should be applied to all women out there in India, whether it is a woman in a corporate job or a woman who works as a domestic help in many houses to make her ends meet.
We often mistake ourselves into thinking that women are insufficient in size and strength, and their offerings in society and at home are puny. But she is that light that makes all the complications and problems into a bud of solutions.
Initially in India, the state of women was bad — with no education, no sports, no voice, just a dreadful, black future with no subsequent future Nevertheless, the seed of women empowerment had germinated in the brains and hearts of people resulting that in education, sports and even outer space, we are now heading shoulder-to-shoulder towards a better and optimistic future. However, the situation of women has to remain in check and we have to go far, far away to truly elevate the people ideas and opinions of women.
Education, knowledge and wisdom are the most important issues of women empowerment and if we have these in our hands, no one can seize the opportunities from women.
“If just one girl child goes to school, she can empower a whole class of women.”
So the first step towards the future of empowerment of women is the education of girls. Women in the rural corners of India are still kept away from basic education but with campaigns regarding the holistic view of people, we can make them understand that standing up on your own feet is just as important for women as it is for men.
In precedent times, the mobilisation of basic modern views was slow but steady but in this era, it is of child’s play to trend something. By making Bollywood a little noisy about such issues, we can and should talk more frequently about the condition of women inside and outside the house. We can make and trend women empowerment as a social revolution in India and I promise you, it will give us many benefits.
Rather than making ground rules for women, we should explain to our boys that respect is as much important for girls as for you. Girls should not feel threatened to express themselves, walk or work late nights. It is our duty to build an environment where women feel empowered.