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“Make Sure You Are With The Truth:” What Journalism Means To Me

This image shows a person holding a phone against a textured background. The image symbolises the rise in whatsapp news and whatsapp journalism which has resulted in a lot of wrong information being spread.

Representational image.

As a kid, I thought about how the information about our community or the country reaches millions through media, television, and gossip. I used to hate news channels for spreading hate and sometimes the anchors too, as the people around talked about that and the hate comments against them.

But as I grew up, I saw that the common person’s day starts with reading the newspaper or hearing news on the radio. Although some news I heard was trustworthy and some were fake, the media showed only one side and judged the things from the other side. Moreover, today, some media channels are the government’s puppet only.

I was surfing on YouTube when I came across the interview of women journalists.

As I said above, I used to hate news, right, but what made me step into the journalism industry then? I was surfing on YouTube when I came across the interview of women journalists.

For years, she was threatened and hated for speaking the truth and showing the crimes in India. I was so curious that I listened to 15-20 interviews about her life, including the BBC news interview. And amongst all, I found that the lady is so fierce that despite the threats by the government or from the people, she was fearlessly answering all of the questions and showing criminal issues in India.

And after researching for months about the crimes she spoke about, I found that though the media is not observing that the crimes are increasing rapidly—the crimes which are never known to people but are fierce need to become the spotlight.

I saw that the common person’s day starts with reading the newspaper or hearing news on the radio.

Seeing all this, I had a thought in my mind that why not every common person who sees the crime happening or knows the suffering of the victim comes forward and takes a step forward for a victim?”. Hence, observing the brave lady, I assured myself that whenever I get the chance to speak or write, I will show the truth in every story.

Furthermore, I got an opportunity in a news company as a content writer. I observed the election news, disputes before the election, and the local issues that the government never focuses on. As the media are the portraying voice of the people, I find that still the media is somehow getting controlled by the government.

Some voices are never heard, some are controlled, and the others are just keeping their mouth shut because they think what will change if they speak or why they should interfere in such things! Whether it’s local issues, the brutality, or the abuse. I dream of becoming a fierce journalist and an independent too.

Hence, before you hate the news story, make sure you research the facts behind that. It’s not only the journalist’s job to portray the voices against the crime happening. But, again, we have social media and the internet in our hands.

You have the right to showcase your opinions, defend against the crimes, speak fearlessly about the issues. Make a change! Never support offences, and make sure you are with the truth!

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