Former Vice-President Hamid Ansari is under attack for his recent remarks against Hindu nationalism at a virtual summit organized by Indian American Muslim Council. His observations were a grim reminder of how minorities have been at the receiving end with their faith and beliefs being mocked and ridiculed everyday- from ‘ghar-wapasi’ to ‘love jihad’ they have been systematically subjugated and targeted by conservatives and chauvinists in the last seven years. The churches have also been frequently torched on suspicion of religious conversions with the establishment mantaining silence on the atrocities being inflicted on them for no thought and reason.
Who will speak and stand up for them- if not the ones responsible for the situation? Someone has to pursue their part to address and articulate their grievances, seeking redressal for living with equality and dignity which hasn’t been the case with the minorities facing the heat. Further, an indifferent dispensation constantly stoking and stirring divisive communal rhetoric and propaganda altering civic ties and communication between different castes and communities, trends and practices of interposing imaginary nationalism on us will have to be resisted and detested with all might for a democracy which was entrusted on arguments, claims and contestation than for anarchy, conflicts and contradictions, it is for us to decide which one to pick up for ourselves.