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4 Quick Ways Kejriwal Cam Bring The ‘Graded Response Action Plan’ In Action


Delhi Government should immediately implement Graded Action Response Plan for curbing and checking the toxic air pollutants resulting in severe health complications and conditions for the common and ordinary alike.

It’s time for Arvind Kejriwal to stand and show up with an activist like ambition and aspiration. Representational image.

Rising up to the challenge after Supreme Court’s order, observation and objection speak of the Centre and Delhi government’s ineptness and inefficiency in dealing with the disasters of a crisis potentially crippling the mobility of the ordinary.

Issuing advisory and guidelines is one part of it as for implementation which is strife with gaps and glitches with people hardly adhering to advice. Banning construction activities and closing educational institutions can be partially purposeful but not permanent as for a city harbouring a population that is in surplus with people from different states, regions and geographies settled in different vicinities and localities.

I think the best idea would be to impose an environmental cess on petrol and diesel sports utility vehicles of above two thousand ccs responsible for emitting harmful substances to the air with mandatory pollution under control certificates put in place.

Secondly, providing incentives to those accessing public transport can definitely deliver in encouraging and motivating people in bringing a systematic shift towards a response that is both warm and welcoming.

Thirdly, limiting the vehicular movements from states bordering the capital can surely succeed in bringing down the traffic snarls at important intersections of the city. Fourthly, both the centre and Delhi government should emphasize upon polluter pays principle declaring fines on all those violating the preferred levels of pollution in a particular part.

Plus, all the civil defence volunteers should be properly trained and tutored for strictly enforcing odd and even in those areas where pollution exceeds far greater than the prescribed limit. Centre and Delhi government will have to break this stalemate if for increasing the average life expectancy of the individual who anyways has to suffer on the other pretext and context. It’s the people who are getting defeated as for the proposals and policies of the government favouring a few at the expanse of significant others.

It’s time for Arvind Kejriwal to stand and show up with an activist like ambition and aspiration, only if he can though. The attitude here and not attempt should do.

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