Has America snubbed Ukraine for not being on board with NATO? Did Ukraine actually pay for US President Joe Biden’s indecisiveness and a lack of cooperation between NATO members countries — Britain, Germany, United Kingdom and France — ensuring Ukraine’s swift and sharp response to the aggression of the Russian military and escalation penetrating deep into their territory?
What made Biden step back on his assurances of being by the side of Ukraine in case of Putin’s misadventures? Had Biden made his moves well in advance considering the options he might have had actually before him on the drawing board closely observing and monitoring the situation though sanctions aren’t new for Russia as they have learnt to live with it. But for Biden, this was awfully daring and challenging with huge bundles of hopes, admirations and aspirations for a foreign policy that seeks its motivation in the interests of defining its objectives and goals.

At least Biden should have given audience to Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy declaring martial law for combating the Russian fighter aircraft in which they partially exceeded point is reluctantly refraining to engage with Ukraine was totally unacceptable and uncalled for given how their diplomacy looks like from within.
Confidence building measures can definitely do in dialling down differences for the better with Russia granting autonomy to Ukrainian cities, Donbask and Luhansk. As a Russian republic, whatever has to be done has to be performed cautiously and carefully as Russia is in no mood to go back and repent.