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Feeling Low Or In Distress? Writing Your Thoughts Down Can Help.


The focus of this article is to help you as an individual realise that the generic definition of “journal it out” as recommended worldwide for managing emotions and anxiety is actually a powerful tool to use to understand what’s happening inside the brain and body. The article also explains how “writing” is nowadays considered a way to attain a heroic space in social media and otherwise.

This mixes the writers who are born with an ability to write with those publishing their personal perspective, restricting the taste for imagination and knowledge, leading to sidelining the individuals and writing culture.

Writing can be positively involved in the communication of how one is feeling.

Writing is an art that is at the moment experiencing its own kind of pain and pleasure. Where a relevant amount of people realise that writing is good for emotional discourse, everyone who is writing wants to be a writer.

This categorisation between those who really can write as an ability and those who are writing out of emotional or professional compulsion has made only selected aspects written to be liked and shared among others to be liked and appreciated. Rest, a small part of people who value the art aspect of writing like a variety to be pursued and are to able to understand an existing dynamism in the field.

The idea that I am putting forward is that writing has its own magical experience and can be positively involved in the communication of how one is feeling or the conflicts they are clouded with mentally.

But this doesn’t necessarily mean that ability and power are synonymous and whoever writes has to showcase that they are writers. Sometimes, people feel pressured or influenced by others to paraphrase a particular way and get into a rat trap.

Writing For Yourself

Let’s have a closer look at how writing for the betterment of emotional regulation can be beneficial and how it differs from the pressure of being a writer with emotional connect.

When we have to work around the principle of “journal your thoughts”, it primarily means that we write down an account of what’s been happening with us and how things around us are impacting or affecting us. It’s similar to writing reported news by a journalist on various aspects of a city, state or country. The only difference is that you’ll be accounting for your emotions, your day, your life.

How does reporting of oneself and one’s emotions really work? The answer is simple to understand, but in action, it’s quite a complex process. Find below the reason, logic and method behind the working of journaling.

Writing, as stated, is a magical procedure of penning down what’s going on in one’s mind. It emerged as a way to preserve verbal messages such that generations that are to come following them have the knowledge about heritage, rules, regulations, norms, status, patterns of communication and belongingness, among other reasons.

Writing helps people spell out things that otherwise they aren’t able to express.

While writing, a lot of people find that it’s not just what is dictated to them by the master. It allows for to and fro creativity and imagination. It can also be used as a platform to raise a voice while being silent physically. This aspect has given a lot of hope and security to people belonging to various dimensions.

For instance, it became a platform for women reformers to voice their concerns against the oppression that they were facing, while white people in America and Europe, independent of each other, wrote down the ideation of dominance and rule. Hence, we have diversity in English usage with regards to the countries mentioned.

What began as a dictation became a tool for change. When psychologists discovered this aspect, they found that writing is a science and art in its unique way. While it has some rules to take care of with respect to science, it helps people spell out things that otherwise they aren’t able to express.

Thus, a focus on writing down what one was feeling became an active and effective activity to discover what was happening in one’s mind.

From a psychodynamic perspective, writing provides a window to unconscious conflicts that an individual is facing at a particular time. This is reflected in the way their imagination leads to the development of characters in stories or verses in poetry, where they are somewhere attaching a part of themselves in the form of their emotions, their beliefs, their contradictory perspectives, their thoughts etc.

Thus, through the reading the material offered, one could define the personality traits that seemed dominant and reflected the issues or conflicts people were experiencing while the piece seemed written.

While speaking as an oral activity allows for being expressively open and demonstrating the feelings, it’s not 100% complete. It’s supplemented by body language, facial expressions, posture to derive meaning in a given context. Whereas when one writes, they tend to cover context and the feelings experienced alongside.

Thus, when suggested to write during a counselling session, it is important for the client to understand that it stands not only a cumbersome process to fish away with and never show up again thinking counselling is only an hour of speaking or talking, but it’s cumulative of so many thoughts, intention and action to be taken thereafter.

Because sometimes when the client or a person is seeking help, they know that they are going through some painful situations which need to be addressed, yet isn’t able to describe well or derive well of the situation.

Writing helps draw a picture that is more accessible and explainable to oneself and others.

Thus, they are suggested to write down in an elaborate manner about what actually happened. This helps to clean and clear a lot of overlapping and overwhelming thoughts and draw a picture that is more accessible and explainable to oneself and others. It helps in resolving problems at one’s own end too and contribute towards a larger healing process.

Five Important Reasons Why Writing Is Psycho-Socio-Emotional-Spiritually Satisfying

  1. It’s helpful for self-awareness and, in turn, developing self-communication and confidence.
  2. Writing down feelings that otherwise seem complicated can improve interpersonal relationships.
  3. Is able to capture and reframe real-life stories.
  4. It helps in identifying the issues that matter to a person and developing a voice to raise concerns.
  5. It helps in realising the emotional discourse interwoven in and about the person, which felt heavy.

An important aspect which I felt the need for addition in the article and will serve as a sigh of relief to many is the “use of a guided journal to help with the initiative of jotting down the feelings and plan of the day”.

Writing, as discussed, could be overwhelming and difficult to collect all your emotions and put them down on a plain page. Thus, the convenience of guided meditative journals can be used for writing down how the person is feeling to become familiar with feelings and writing at the same time. It also has a lot of advantages with respect to learning from and arranging your mental space.

Sometimes, while experiencing traumatic stress or discomfort, which involves a turmoil of emotions, it leads to a lot of people experiencing a lot of different things. Silence or numbness can be a learned expression of the helpless condition underwent by the individuals. In such a case, to merely help the person move ahead and manage and regulate the emotions and work arrangements, guided journals can prove to be a lot of help.

After reading this article, I really hope I am able to help clarify and motivate some of you on how writing can be beneficial and can have a long-lasting impact. Through this, you could join hands with many of those who write for emotional venting and, while doing this, discover your knack for writing indeed.

Therefore, I would conclude by saying we are all born stars and shine or no shine, we remain stars and that’s our real value. Shine can be found in various ways and in some paths and places; psychology and psychologists can be of great help.

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