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Vinod Dua

Eminent journalist Vinod Dua passed away at 67 having started his career first with Doordarshan and later with NDTV having done a variety of shows ranging from cuisines to politics his was a personality which literally was aspiring and inspiring connecting and conducting the emotions, feelings and sentiments of common and ordinary alike in the best of his capacity and conviction. Stressing upon why it was important for a journalist to be a critic and dissenter than for an passive participant with little or no control over his craft, command and creativity decorated with whims, fancies and fantasy a reality eroding people,s trust in the mainstream media. Shouldn’t our  media be introspecting on its misses and mishits degrading it further to the oblivion with a mad rush for TRP with news being generally twisted, turned and manipulated. For, Dua anchoring was beyond lights, camera and action as for his abilities to make inroads in constituency which weren,t his own still he held to the last ranging from talk shows and programmes discussing and deliberating on alternative agenda to be worked upon by civil society groups keeping the best of interests and objectives of the masses. Poetry and prose were but naturally built in his personality which made him appear more affable, accommodative and appreciative of the differences of views and values as a progressive liberal who believed in democracy as the best aid and  guarantee against autocratic and authoritarian consensus ultimately leading to sectarianism and chauvinism of a greatest rank and order. Apart for his taste of literature and music Dua sahab was quite novel and gentle as a being transcending all forms of barriers and boundaries acting as an impediment to achievement and excellence. His legacy will further nourish and nurture future generations wanting to take up journalism in all their high esteem


RIP SIR…!!!!

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