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“Request to enter Temple wearing hindu traditional Attire”

Religion and society
                     (Representation Image)

Is this how , old school religion creeping into modern society?

The above image reflect a conflict between religious values and spiritual values where spirituality only look at internal state of person who is entering temple but religious values give more focus on symbolic representation of religious symbols that is, in this case is traditional Hindu attire.

In fast metropolis world, segmentation of purposes to go outside is difficult. This type of  request may restrict decisions of students to visit temple before exam hours in school uniform.

In the current pick and mix culture, where lifestyle choices determine affiliation to religion, this request by temple authorities acts as a deterrent to people working in corporate too.

Also, The Saibaba temple trust at Shirdi has put a board asking devotees to be dressed in a CIVILIZED manner, or as per the INDIAN CULTURE, when they come to the temple.

(Sarcasm1- The allowed dress shown in the pic isn’t real indian attire… Which is dhoti-kurta .. but they are accepting pant and shirt,lol)

(Sarcasm 2- congratulations!! Your religion and society is(are) about to stop being relevant.)

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