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How to be the Sailor of your own life?

Becoming the sailor of your own life is not a cup of tea. Because, it takes your blood, sweat, and tears to give these flying castles a firm ground. Most of the time, people take pledge to be the better versions of themselves, but fail to do because they make plans but, forget to implement those plans. And I am saying this because, I am also of those daydreamers, who love to live in their own imaginary world and where they find their corner of comfort, hiding them from this judgemental society. So, what should we do?

Because, we can neither stop, what other people are thinking of us nor restrain our own eddy like thoughts.

But, here is solution… When you can not control things. So, let them as they are. Close your eyes and find that one precious pearl that your ocean of thoughts was hiding it somewhere in the deep. And, this pearl can be anything; your passion for something special that brings your heart and brain together. Makes you happy, proud and most important flourish your character by raising the purity and beauty of your soul….

That is what I did. And I must say, ” I can be the sailor of my own life”.


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