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Is Defence Just A Job Or Is It A Service To The Nation?

My dear countrymen, especially the youngsters, I would urge you to give a thought to what I have to say about the current scenario. The youngsters (of course, not all) of our country are interested in BTS and don’t know anything about CDS.

More frequently, the youth has been saying: “Defence is overrated, it’s just a job.” Yes, it’s just a job — where those on the border, inside the country, in the air or in the water defend us; it’s a job that is the last option when all other forces fail; it’s a job where people overcome the fear of getting parted from their two-year-olds, whom they have promised to always be with, for us. Isn’t it a service then?

You might think that everyone is serving the country — a doctor, an engineer, an administrative officer and many others, then why give extra importance to those in defence forces. Well, there is no need to give extra importance to those serving in the defence force. But at least, we must know about them, appreciate them, be in touch with the bereaved families around us.

Credit: Getty Images

I would reiterate, “Veer bhogya vasundhara”. You won’t survive until you are skilled to fight. Nothing is more basic than this. Look at the primitive ages — food, health, shelter, love, freedom, land etc. were of utmost importance, and the world’s fiercest of wars have been fought to protect one or more of these.

All our basic needs are useless if we can’t secure them. You don’t have to go too far in the primitive ages. Look at the recent case of Afghanistan that took place during the pandemic. Did you see anyone there sanitising their hands or searching for masks while fighting for their country or vacating it? Did you notice anybody maintaining a six-feet distance while boarding the aircraft as they ran away from the Taliban? I don’t think you did.

Dear citizens, everything looks so “kushi kushi, hunky dory” when we are safe, but it isn’t otherwise. You may think about seeing a doctor for Covid, hiring a lawyer for your plot, buying shares in the market or maybe enjoying some songs by BTS. But all these are possible only when you are safe, your country is safe, and your basic needs are safe.

Unfortunately, there are darindas (predators) out there, waiting to invade your security, your needs and your loved ones. So, I urge you all to start appreciating, acknowledging the sacrifices that have been made to keep your country safe. Know your defence, their sacrifices, and be a morale booster for them.

Remember, their “job” is for our future. Rather, I would say their service secures our future. Also, remember, no kingdom has flourished without the singing of their war heroes. It is often said, “It is because of those sacrifices, that we are fortunate today to sing great of them.”

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