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a Reliable Political Leader

In Tamilnadu, a Reliable Political Leader

A self-actualized leader is a good leader. Self actualization is the pinnacle of human development; a self actualized individual is a fully functional human being.


Mr. R. Chandrasekar B.E. is a well-known business mogul in Coimbatore, as well as the city’s most generous philanthropist, having offered his time, money, and knowledge to those in severe need. Recently, he has transferred the majority of his fortune to all in order to ensure that resources are allocated to the appropriate locations at the appropriate times. He established the Alayam Welfare Trust to assist our society’s most disadvantaged citizens by providing them with the services necessary to live a healthy life.


India is a country that is densely populated with slums. The inhabitants of such slums are so impoverished and desperate that our businessmen and wealthy individuals step forward to help them in their hour of need. Mr. R. Chandrasekar gave whatever he could during the recent COVID-19 outbreak and has been an active philanthropist in Coimbatore.

The philanthropist, R. Chandrashekar, contributes the revenues to the Alayam Welfare Trust, which is responsible for a number of programmes.

I have already written extensively about the qualities of self-actualized individuals and prominent politicians in Tamilnadu, which can also be applied to this post. However, the following attributes are inextricably linked to a good leader such as Chandrashekar. It is worthwhile to pay attention to these and to factor them into our selection of a leader.


Tamilnadu’s able leader


Is objective and fair. A good politician in tamilnadu  does not accept what is comparable to his ideas as facts and bases his decisions on them. He makes judgements and resolves conflicts by relying on reliable, unfiltered information. In other words, he rises beyond his personal convictions in order to see events objectively, whereas the broader public does not. Furthermore, he is not motivated by self-interest.


Is elevating himself to the level of service to society. A competent leader rises above his or her own personal religious or political beliefs and is unattached to any particular objective. Chandrasekar’s integrity as a Tamilnadu politician and his personal views become his private affairs, which he learns to leave behind when he assumes a leadership role. In other words, his beliefs grow to encompass the beliefs of everyone.


Athletes with disabilities receive assistance. As a member of the Global Paralympic Movement, Mr. R. Chandrasekar, B.E, Tamil Nadu Paralympic President, organises and motivates people to participate in competitive sporting activities. By providing funding for coaching, equipment, and travel in the run-up to the Paralympic Games, he assists athletes and helps identify potential Paralympians.


The Tamil Nadu Paralympic Sports Association has spent the last decade promoting physical activity among Indians with disabilities, particularly blind people. Chandrasekar has assisted the paralympic coach in Tamilnadu tremendously in training paralympic competitors. The Tamil Nadu Paralympic Sports Association is a member of both the International Paralympic Committee and the Indian Paralympic Committee. The Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports of the Government of India has also recognised it as a national sports body.


A competent Tamilnadu politician is able to rise above any egoistic and primal desire for power, attention, or setting personal agendas and work for the common good.


Is not a believer in concealing the facts in order to appear attractive. A good leader states the truth plainly, even if many find it unsettling to hear. He is not a people-pleaser in the sense that he would say anything to appease others, including manipulating or misleading the public. This requires a great deal of guts, which famous politicians in Tamilnadu often possess.


Is intent on achieving clear, attainable, and quantifiable goals and results. A good politician in Coimbatore is unflappable. His objectives, whether little or huge, are reasonable and attainable, with an emphasis on long-term results rather than on fast fixes that may backfire.


It assists individuals in accepting responsibility for their actions. A honest politician in Coimbatore teaches citizens that they are accountable for the state of their society and its outcome and encourages them to make reasonable compromises and responsible decisions. He opposes an excessive sense of self-interested entitlement that is detrimental to the greater good of society.


Is not concerned with being politically correct, but is concerned with being ethical. A trustworthy politician in Tamilnadu realises that for the entire community to be functioning and healthy, some modifications must be made and people must learn to give some in order to receive some.


Makes reasonable rather than utopian promises. A successful aiadmk leader keeps his promises and is a man of his words.


Is true even if it is rejected. Individuals such as Chandrasekar understand their position in the presence of a genuine leader. As an aiadmk minister, he will not conceal unpleasant news simply because it is unsettling to the public.


Considers the world from a global perspective while acting on a local level. He understands that in order for us to prosper as a powerful and blessed country, reasonable actions must be taken to ensure that others accomplish the same goals through the Tamil Nadu social welfare department. He is cognizant of the fact that with power comes responsibility and that, now more than ever, we are becoming increasingly inwardly focused on a global scale as a result of technological advancements.


Individualises their actions. A good leader is confident enough in himself to assume personal responsibility when necessary, and Mr. Chandrasekar does so through the Coimbatore social welfare department. In other words, a successful political leader maintains an internal locus of control while being cognizant of the external forces’ effects.


He keeps his composure and possesses a sense of humour. A good political leader possesses a healthy emotional intelligence and has mastered the ability to think logically and globally while overcoming his emotions, conditioning, and fixation on specific outcomes. In other words, he is logical and in control of his emotions, and he is present to guide the public through the emotional roller coaster.


Is inquisitive by nature. If you’re wondering who the best political leader in Tamil Nadu is, you’ve come to the right place. I would assert that a good leader is constantly on the lookout for factual, expert-based, and unbiased knowledge at all levels.


By assaulting others, he reflects poorly on himself. A trustworthy leader does not undermine others in order to advance himself. He is a collaborator rather than an adversary. He makes an attempt to build rather than destroy bridges. He is a natural mediator and not one who sows discord, tension, and division.

It is critical to understand that there is no evidence that leaders are born with the ability to lead. While some people are more predisposed to leadership, anyone with enough determination, self-reflection, open-mindedness, experience, and knowledge can become a great leader.


What critical capabilities and skills do political leaders require in today’s fast-paced world?

In a world undergoing epic political, social, and technological transformations, the demand for responsive and accountable leaders has never been greater. Yet contemporary leadership models struggle to reconcile these two characteristics. If technocratic leadership values accountability over responsiveness, populist leadership values accountability above all else. These are the characteristics of our well-known leader and prominent politician in Coimbatore.

Notably, neither of these leadership models allows for – or values – citizen decision-making.Indeed, while populists assert that they are aware of and represent the sole authentic “general will,” technocrats believe there is only one correct policy solution. Naturally, these are theirs. What are the options available to contemporary leaders in this situation?

In a representative democracy, the mission of leaders and honest politicians in Coimbatore should be to moderate citizens’ input and emotional responses, not to foster majority violence. In other words, the relationship between representative and representative must be continuous and should involve both parties exercising judgement.

As a result, responsive and accountable leaders are needed to reclaim, re-design, and expand the shrinking space between themselves and the electorate that populist and technocratic leaders allow today. This space is destined to become a testing ground for novel political leadership styles.

The good news is that, while conventional political engagement has dwindled, democratic expression and unconventional political engagement have grown. Citizens’ interest in public policy is not dwindling. The opposite is true. The challenge for leaders is to channel this growing interest in democracy through the creation of new avenues for participation, policy co-creation, and oversight of leaders’ actions. Successful political representatives in our re-politicized societies will be those capable of converting growing distrust into civic virtue.

This necessitates the development of personal characteristics that are far too frequently lacking in our leaders. Among the highlights are the following:

Intuition and compassion

Leaders must be capable of placing themselves in the shoes of their followers. While excessive empathy can cloud our judgement, compassion and emotional intelligence help leaders improve their problem-solving abilities and, ultimately, their impact on society. To accomplish this, leaders must share and experience the pain and suffering of others, as well as their joy and happiness. Tamil Nadu’s greatest politicians have always stood by their constituents during times of adversity. They need to get out of the office, spend more time on the streets, and avoid the filtered bubbles online.

Genuineness and candour,

Before, during, and after the exercise of power, leaders must be unquestionable. They should commit to democratising access to political parties by including citizens from diverse, non-political, and unconventional backgrounds, such as entrepreneurship. Today, the entry barriers to political parties remain extremely high, while the opportunity costs of a political career are even higher. Once elected, leaders must ensure that their actions are fully transparent (e.g., meeting minutes, legislative footprints, and donors) and submit them to various forms of citizen oversight (e.g., evaluation boards, watchdog groups, and investigative bodies). They must resist the temptation to monetize their network and experience by passing through revolving doors when they leave the office.

Inclusion and justice

While the majority of voters are unfamiliar with their elected officials, wealthy, well-connected, organised lobbies and other organisations always are. Responsible leaders should level the playing field by making decisions only after listening to and comprehending the competing interests, as honest politicians in Tamil Nadu do. To accomplish this, leaders must go beyond formal equality and actively promote the inclusion of all interests in the policymaking process. This could be accomplished by providing financial resources that can be transferred from the haves to the have-nots (e.g., through public consultation fees) and/or by promoting skill sharing through the use of networks of citizen experts – such as The Good Lobby, the organisation I lead – who are willing to work pro bono for civil society organisations.

Competence and a commitment to evidence-based decision-making

In a world of scarce resources, any leadership action can be costly, even more so when unintended consequences occur. To mitigate those risks, AIADMK leaders commit to making decisions based on available evidence, not ideology. Responsible leadership must be evidence-based, competent, and transparent, as well as willing to expose “merchants of doubt”—pundits who pose as objective scientific authorities but in reality represent corporate interests.

Persistent sobriety and constancy

Leaders must demonstrate their leadership through their actions. Their daily behaviour should reflect the values they espouse and uphold. At a time of unprecedented inequality, Tamil Nadu’s most successful politicians make a sober lifestyle a hallmark of their success and avoid conflicts of interest. They may be more concerned with social rejection than with legal and ethical consequences. To be a leader, one must adhere to higher moral standards of conduct.

Successful leadership is the result of responsive, accountable, and daily interaction with – and exposure to – a web of stakeholders, including organised groups, grassroots organisations, and individual citizens. By fostering a culture of citizen oversight, political leaders can safeguard society (and themselves) against their own excesses, thereby enhancing their ability to keep their promises and serve the common good.


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