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Poem: Do You Raise Your Boy With Love Or Hatred?

an elder's hand holding and caressing a baby's hand

If you raise him with affection and love,
He Wins the all and Rises above.
And If you scold him with hatred, dislike,
Defeated one he is a loser belike.

He is tormented, annoyed, in grief,
Heartbroken, in misery, No passion, No lief.
But blossoms in the desert and rough terrain,
and care, sympathy set free him from pain.

He can crush hurdles with his fist and bust,
But beforehand your trust in him must.
If you place reliance on action, his deed,
Then for him Nothing impossible indeed.

Since cruel words ignited with a roar,
Makes his heart numb, frozen and soar.
If he is in fear and you treat him well.
He gets stronger this I have to tell.

Since a boy and a mirror are truly alike,
As Mirror reflects the image the light.
He also gives back the notion of all.
What you put to boy, a  rise or fall?

Ajay Amitabh Suman: All Right Reserved

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