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Dear Society, This Is How I Feel About The Conditions You’ve Set On Love

amrish puri in ddlj

Societal Conditions often tend to dictate your romantic love story. Love is blind and unconditional. Being part of the LGBTQ community or performing an interfaith marriage doesn’t invalidate the emotion.

This is just an appeal to anyone and everyone who’s reading this. Before we begin, let’s just make sure that we see things from a neutral and moral perspective for the next few minutes.

People often put conditions on love. (Representational image)

This is to a group of people from a civilised and privileged society. Education isn’t what you think or what you achieve, human biology and emotions don’t always work the way you want them to, and your thoughts aren’t superior to another individual’s ideology. Love isn’t biased. It’s pure, unlike some individuals’ thoughts and points of view.

It’s no shame to point out that as we tend to define love, it comes out as “deep feelings or strong affection towards a person”. But it’s not what we follow or want others to. Apart from the inscribed definition, we, the people of the earth, often have tendencies of putting conditions. And this is where love begins to seek validations and where we start to rely on gender, caste, religion, complexion and height.

Mortals don’t know that love as a noun and concept is neutral and independent from every possible shackle and confinement of society and so is human biology.

And yet, we as a society have never been able to come out of the regular and harmful stereotypes where a man can only love and adore a woman, and vice versa; where someone from a higher caste should marry someone who belongs to the same, and one’s marital relationship should be confined to the same religion.

And it’s no wonder, this might be the reason why we know Hephaestion to only be a general and confidant to Alexander, why Patroclus and Achilles had been portrayed as just friends, a reason for what Anarkali and Salim went through and what Richard I and Phillip II Augustus had to go through.

The irony lies here. It’s quite evident with the examples that have been brought up that, to love, society as a whole wants you to take permission and to follow their pre-set guidelines. Love has been a basic theory surrounded by the obstructions of terms and conditions this way.

And this is to you, you fair humans, the art of love should be normalised and we should let it fly the way it may want to. A human may love whoever they want to and can marry whenever they want. And we can do nothing about the desires of a human body because we’re built that way.

Queers don’t have “mental disorders“. Homosexuality isn’t a sin. Interfaith marriages don’t violate religious beliefs. The caste system is pure garbage; it stinks. You are beautiful no matter what your skin colour. Women aren’t weak, and men may cry.

Everyone alive has the equal right to love and live without someone else’s interference, without answering any other individual, and we call it Human Rights. There are genders other than male and female with equal importance. And like the Nobel laureate, Malala said, “If you want to have a person in your life, why do you have to sign marriage papers, why can’t it just be a partnership?” 

Everyone is normal the way they are and life isn’t a pre set physics principle or mathematical formula. So the way of living is perfect as long as it entertains their ideology, and society can or should do nothing about it.

To infer, love may live as long as it wants to, unbiased and unaltered, caring the least about stereotypes the civilised society has put. And with the modernisation of human civilisation, I believe the ideologies deserve some modifications as well, and it’s no joke anymore.

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