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How much of a role can ecosystem restoration play in tackling climate change.

Global warming could play a major role in the extinction of many species in this century. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) says an average temperature rise of 1.5 degrees Celsius could put 20–30% of the species at risk of extinction. If this average temperature rise reaches 2 degrees, it will become impossible for most ecosystems to survive.

Most of the endangered species live in areas that will be severely affected by climate change. The fear is that climate change is happening so fast that it is becoming difficult for many species to adapt to the changing environment.

In The World Of Ecosystems

Is there only fish in a pond? Fish certainly do not survive by eating other fish, right? A variety of organic and inorganic substances are found in the pond, including zooplankton (tiny microscopic animals), phytoplankton (tiny microscopic plants). They all depend on each other for survival. This pond environment is an example of an aquatic ecosystem. In this way different types of ecosystems can be seen in different environments in different parts of the world. Without ecosystems, the survival of animals and plants is almost impossible. Because no animal or plant can think of surviving without the help of another.
An ecosystem is usually based on two basic elements: organic and inorganic.
Organic matter: Organic matter simply means those who have life. It can be a plant, it can be an animal or it can be a small insect.
Inorganic material: Inorganic material refers to the elements related to nature. Notable among these are temperature, humidity, rock etc.
It is important to save the ecosystem in the interest of the people; Net Edu Project

No matter what elements are present in an ecosystem, they are all dependent on each other. So dependent that even the slightest change in the elements can have an effect on the whole ecosystem. If for some reason the animals in that ecosystem do not adapt to the change, they move to another ecosystem.

Ecosystems do not have a specific size or volume. Ecosystems can extend from a small pond to a vast area like a desert.

Ecosystem under threat

As the earth’s temperature continues to rise, the effects of climate change are beginning to appear in various places. Due to increase in population compared to the area, crop lands are being wiped out, forests are being cleared and cleared, water sources like ponds, rivers and canals are being filled. In all of this there were innumerable ecosystems that have survived by fighting.

As mentioned earlier, even the slightest change in an ecosystem can affect the whole ecosystem. So, in the face of global warming or unbridled population growth, can we expect ecosystems to function properly?

These climatic changes are constantly happening in different ecosystems of the world. Experts say it takes hundreds of years for each species to adapt to these changes. As a result, we have seen countless species disappear from the face of the earth over the centuries. Experts fear that this extinction could become even more frightening in the days to come.

People are destroying the ecosystem; © Time magazine

Let’s discuss how terrible the impact on the ecosystem can be based on different environments. Forests: Due to the effects of climate change, many species are unable to survive in their own ecosystems and migrate to temperate regions. Because of the rising temperatures, it will be almost impossible for many species to withstand extreme heat. Moreover, who would want to read in the face of frequent natural disasters! So many species will write their names in the migration process. This type of migration is usually seen once in a thousand years in nature. But the effects of global warming will be reduced to hundreds or decades! As a result, many forests will lose their own species, will fall into existential crisis. Many forests will not take time to lose their individuality and become extinct. Pasture land: If you have ever left a village or a city and gone somewhere far away, you must have seen an empty meadow where a herd of cattle is grazing. In the morning the cow owners may leave the cows here, they stay here all day, eating grass. Return home at the end of the day. The fear is that even these helpless animals will not be spared from the horrors of climate change.

Because of climate change, these areas of grazing will also undergo major changes, increasing the crisis of cattle feed. As temperatures continue to rise, it will be difficult for cows or other animals that depend on such land to survive. Do you think that like other species, they can migrate? But no. In the case of these domesticated or farm-raised animals, relocation is not possible even if desired. As a result, these animals may have to walk on the path of various diseases and even death.

Polar Ice Caps and Mountain Glaciers: Polar ice caps usually refer to snow-covered areas. These ice caps are found in Antarctica and Greenland. A report published in Britain’s The Guardian in March this year (2021) states that polar ice caps are melting six times faster than in 1990. The fear of rising sea level has also risen. It is estimated that by the end of this century, about 400 million people will be displaced by coastal floods each year. Experts say the ecosystems of these regions are also on the verge of extinction.

Scientists predict that one-third or more of the world’s glaciers will begin to melt as a result of climate change. This will have an impact on agricultural land, river water flow and water retention dams. Ecology will be lost, innumerable species will be wiped out. Because we are not too far from the horrific disaster risk experts. Water sources: The effects of climate change will increase the temperature in water sources. As a result, it may be difficult for many species to survive in rivers, ponds, or oceans. If the temperature rises, the quality of water will change, there will be a crisis of dissolved oxygen. As a result, extinction will become a matter of time for many species living in the water. If the persistence of floods and droughts increases, the salinity in the water will spread several times more, and in many areas the water will not be available for a long time. As a result, ecosystems will be under terrible threat.

Why is it important to restore the ecosystem?

Restoring an ecosystem that has already been destroyed or damaged is called ecosystem restoration. This recovery can be done in a variety of ways. For example, an area may have had numerous vegetation at one time. Ecosystems also developed based on those plants. Decreased vegetation has also affected other components of the ecosystem. So if it is possible to restore the place to its former state by planting trees again, then the ecosystem can be restored.

Restoring the ecosystem has become urgent. U A B

Explaining just how important it is to restore the ecosystem, the United Nations says that if this recovery process continues for the next ten years (until 2030), a minimum of 13 to a maximum of 26 gigatonnes of greenhouse gases can be removed from the atmosphere. The company also spoke of the economic benefits of the process. Nine times more economic benefits than investment will come in this process.

It is possible to include all types of ecosystems in the recovery process. These initiatives can be taken by the general public at the individual level as well as at the social, organizational and state levels.

It is important to keep the ecosystem alive in the interest of human survival. The ecosystem can directly or indirectly supply almost all the elements of human survival. The ecosystem reduces the risk of natural disasters, helping to prevent a variety of diseases, including epidemics. The ecosystem can also play an important role in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG-2030). So it is time to start the process of restoring the ecosystem.

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