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Why Do Housewives Not Have A Retirement Age Like Their Working Husbands?

Twenty-five, 35, 45, 55, 65, 75 and if they are still alive at 85: a housewife works, works and works all her life. We have a retirement age for every working person, but did anyone ever think about the retirement of a housewife? I wonder where they get the power to single-handedly do all the household chores from. I have witnessed homes where the men of the family don’t even bother to take a glass of water from the kitchen on their own, and expect the women of the house to do everything for them, even on days they are unwell.

India is famous for its cultures and traditions, but there are some traditions that need amendment now. We have been taught in schools that men and women are equal. Then why is there a difference when it comes to performing household chores? I don’t expect the men to do everything, but a little help is not much to ask for.

Often, the men of the family don’t even bother to take a glass of water from the kitchen on their own and expect the women of the house to do everything for them.

And if the men can’t offer any help, the least they can do is not burden the women with more work. I feel people should understand that a woman is not a wonder woman but an ordinary human being. If the man gets tired after working the whole day, the woman feels the same too.

I am not forcing my opinion on anyone, but I am sure there are a lot of women out there who can relate to this. I have seen my friends sacrifice their passion and dream just because the family told them that as a woman, they are responsible for all the household chores. I believe not everyone’s the same; there are families that support women, but there are some who don’t pity the woman, even during her menstruation. While she is bleeding and bearing so much pain already, she is expected to do everything as usual. Just for once, imagine the same thing happening to a man and I bet he will not be able to even stand on his feet.

India is westernising everything, then why is a man cooking and helping his mother, sister and wife considered abnormal? I really want everyone to understand that a woman also gets tired, she also feels hot in summers and cold in winters. She also gets old and a helping hand from her family members (especially the men) is necessary to support her.

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