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Opinion: A Look At The Trend Of Internet Shutdowns In Kashmir

This is an image of Kashmir that is shutdown. Internet shutdowns are common in the valley.

Constant curfews have crippled Kashmir's businesses.

The routine of internet snapping by the government authorities in J&K that was started in 2012, is continuing. Authorities in J&K have snapped internet services more than 300 times to this date. Earlier in 2016, Kashmir Valley has faced the first longest internet shutdown, which lasted for 133 Days and in 2019, the Longest Internet Shutdown In the World was reported in J&K, which lasted for 552 days.

Besides this, authorities frequently shut the mobile internet services in Kashmir Valley when there is a law and order problem. From 2016 to mid-2021, whenever there is an encounter or any untoward incident in any district of Kashmir, authorities cut the mobile internet services in that district for preventive measures. This happens mostly in four districts of South Kashmir. From mid-2021, the authorities have reduced these frequent internet shutdowns in Kashmir Valley.

Authorities frequently shut the mobile internet services in Kashmir Valley when there is a law and order problem.

New Trend Of Internet Shutdown

Earlier, mobile internet was shut in a district whenever there was any law and order problem, but on 18th October 2021, ‘A New Trend Of Internet Shutdown’ started in Kashmir Valley. Government Authorities snap-down mobile internet services in specific areas Of Kashmir. Now locals from various areas of Central and South Kashmir face frequent internet cut’s nearly from the past 15 Days. These common internet shutdowns come after recent killings of non-locals in the valley of Kashmir.

The users from parts of Srinagar, Kulgam, Anantnag (Islamabad) & Pulwama are facing spells of internet cuts without any reason. These unannounced internet shutdowns are creating many problems for the users, especially journalists, businessmen and students. These shutdowns usually occur from 7 AM to 11 AM and 3 PM to 10 PM.

Besides these internet shutdowns, residents are also facing call drops during these frequent periods which are creating many problems for the residents living in these areas.

First And Longest Internet Shutdown In Kashmir

The first recorded internet shutdown in India took place in Jammu and Kashmir in 2012, when mobile internet services were suspended for a few hours during protests against a movie that allegedly hurt Islamic sentiments.

An internet shutdown was imposed on the evening of 4th August 2019, when Article 370 of the Constitution was abrogated by the Parliament of India. The State of Jammu and Kashmir was bifurcated into the Union Territories of Jammu & Kashmir, and Ladakh.

The Kashmir Valley has been facing spells of internet outage.

This internet shutdown continued for 552 days In J&K and for 145 days in Ladakh. The restrictions were lifted in Ladakh in December 2019 but continued in UT of J&K.

In UT of J&K, these restrictions were gradually eased, starting with restoration of landlines and mobile calling services, followed by restoration of 2G mobile internet services and restoration of broadband services, including fibre services.

Then 4G mobile internet was restored in only two districts of J&K (Ganderbal & Udhampur). Finally, high-speed mobile internet (3G, 4G) was fixed on 6th February 2021 at 11 PM in the whole UT of J&K.

Saving Lives But What About the Constitution?

Home Minister Amit Shah while addressing a rally at SKICC in Srinagar on 24th October. “The Modi government will not allow the killing of civilians while people continue to live in fear,” he said.

Justifying the imposition of the Centre-led security clampdown in J&K after Article 370 revocation, he said, “Had we not suspended the internet and imposed a curfew, emotions of Kashmiri youth would have been aroused, and it would have led to the killing of youths.”

Home Minister Amit Shah had addressed a gathering at SKICC

The rules, issued under the Indian Telegraph Act, 1885, stipulate that only the Home Secretary of the Union or a state can pass an order. The order must include the reasons for the decision. The order should be forwarded to a review committee the day after it is issued and must be reviewed by the committee within five days to assess its compliance with Section 5(2) of The Telegraph Act, under which the government has the power to block the transmission of messages during a public emergency or for public safety.

Until 2017, India didn’t have a codified law to order internet shutdowns. The power to do so was vested in district magistrates under Section 144 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. However, in 2017, new rules to order internet shutdowns were introduced which led to a routine clampdown in the Kashmir valley.

Author is working for Digital Freedom In India, mostly tracking internet shutdowns of J&K, working with various national and local digital organisations

Tweets at @mukaramwani

The story was previously published on Ground Report and Roshan Kashmir

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