(This news flash was brought to you by Rajnigandha Pan Masala…… “Mu me Rajnigandha..Kadmo me duniya.”
A man walks down an empty street after selling everything in his possession. He sold his house, his wife’s jewellery and halted his children’s education; just so that he could buy a few bottles of ‘rum.’
He drinks all of it, destroys his liver, gets diagnosed with cancer and lies on the death bed. His wife sells herself on the road and his children beg at signals, in a failed attempt to save the “drunkard’s” life. His family suffers more than he does and yet, his last wish was to have one last bottle of rum.
The horror of just a few bottles of rum lasted upon his family for years to come. His few days of enjoyment came at the cost of his family living their worst nightmare.
The question to be asked is, “Was this worth it?”
Any sane person would say, “no.”
But the harsh truth is that everything that happened broke no laws. Alcohol finished his life and even came to haunt his afterlife, yet everything is LEGAL.
We live in a world of hypocrisy, where the other forms of intoxication are legal and yet, drugs are outlawed in the name of “addiction.”
If you have to eradicate intoxicating addictions, then why are bars a thing?
Why is every chai tapri living in smoke?
Why is every ad sponsored by a tobacco brand?
The editors write the articles with cigarette in between their lips, the people read the news while sipping their precious whiskey and public comments about the shame Aryan Khan has brought upon his family while chewing tobacco.
That’s the kind of world we have built for ourselves. Some criminals are legally roaming on the streets wanting for more destruction, while others are put behind the bars and his family reputation reduces to nothing but dust.
If the crime is “addiction”, then why not put others in jail?
If the crime is same, then why spare some and punish the others?
A question has been asked and there is a very simple solution. Till these dopamine driving addictions continue to be manufactured, more and more people will keep on dying and ruining lives. Every intoxicating product should be banned and outlawed. We must not stop at drugs, outlaw the cigarettes, the alcohol and the tobacco. This isn’t a fight against the people who are wrong, this is just a realisation that our body doesn’t deserve these things.
(*This blog was brought to you by Mcdowell Number 1
Yeh number 1 yaari hai*)