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Is Gandhi Still Relevant In Today’s Changed Political Landscape?

Gandhi’s truth is nowhere practised in our presently professed political policy. His first weapon of the fight against the might of the British powers was unhesitatingly the principle of truth.  It is somewhere lost in our contemporary concept of democracy.

Though we do not veritably forget to remember him on the 2nd of October, we lack his innate spirit of truth. Why so? This happens because our political leaders have been conditioned to serve the alteration that fits well in their opportunistic politics.

Nothing but numbers are the ultimate need of their politics. Although they are supposed to run the country upon democratic values yet those virtues are trampled from time to time.

Mahatma Gandhi

आगे कपिल सिब्बल ने कहा कि आज गुजरात के नेता जो दिल्ली पहुंच गए हैं, वो महात्मा गांधी के बारे में बहुत कम जानते हैं। गांधी कहते थे कि द ओनली गॉड इज द गॉड ऑफ ट्रुथ। मैं मोदी से पूछना चाहता हूं वो सत्य कहां गया? आंकड़ों में, वाणी में, काम करने में और हर चीज़ में असत्य है। जो 2014 में उन्होंने सपने दिखाए थे वे कहां गए।

Kapil Sibal said that today, the leaders of Gujarat who are in Delhi know very little about Gandhi. Gandhi used to say that the only God is the God of truth. I want to ask Modi, “Where is that truth?” Everything from statistics to speeches and the actions is untrue. Where have those promises gone that were made in 2014?

His admiration for simple living and truth expanding from his changed clothing earned him additional popularity. It looked at prospective political occurrences to come. We are here for it.

An American Futurist Jacques Fresco writes, “Democracy is a con game. It’s a word invented to placate people to make them accept a given acceptance. All institutions sing ‘We are free.’ The minute you hear freedom and democracy, watch out….. because in a truly free nation no one has to tell you that you are free.”

Gandhi professed principles of truth & non-violence but our politicians assert on sobbing and confusion. The leaders cry for winning another term of the poll while Gandhi might be weeping for the chaos in our big country. His political vision seems to have vanished after him.

Strangely enough, even the Gandhian cap has been seen on some ceremonial occasions. The political leaders do not like to put on the Gandhian cap. However, it was this particular change that allows us the formal impetus for thinking about the possibility of odds in future.

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