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Does Modi’s Economic Rationality Ensure Bridging Of Gap B/w The Rich And Poor?

Does economic rationality guarantee a bridging of the social, political and economic gaps visibly altering the participation of the deprived sections of society? Can a link be established between their increased political participation amidst a sense of alienation, vulnerability and marginalisation?

Maybe, for their lack of presence and participation in the decision-making bodies and processes ensuring their rights and dignity as a dutiful citizen, it is with this imagination that the present dispensation has fritted with the idea of actively keeping them involved, engaged and associated as trusted political lieutenants for the want of better. From a Swaachh Bharat to Ujjwala, they were the most vocal lot countering propaganda with perceptions for addressing and articulating the shortcomings of it.

A fact bearing testimony to the acceptance of Modi, who, all this while, brilliantly built a connect with the downtrodden, immensely benefitting from development sops and schemes in the face of newfound economic rationality finding a vocabulary in the Bhartiya Janta Party’s line of defence being eloquently put and presented by the energetic and enthusiastic right-wingers who see merit in the method checkmating Modi’s waning popularity.

Don’t forget that the pradhan sewak has completed 20 years as a public servant, with the BJP jubilantly rising to the occasion. So what if there is a spate of issues alerting to the intervention being put on the back burner? Apart, from curtailing and counting dissent and discontent everything appears fine on the face of it.

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