Prime Minister Narendra Modi is scheduled to visit the United States of America on 24 September, taking part in the QUAD summit.
This will be his first visit since President Joe Biden officially took charge as American President as both the leaders will get a chance to deliberate and discuss key strategic areas and concerns deeply impacting and altering India’s interests viz national security and sovereignty in the wake of a Taliban government in Afghanistan supported and sponsored by groups known for their anti-India barbs and rhetoric.
Thus, it is in this backdrop that India can play an instrumental role by exposing the fault lines in the deep state of Pakistan running counter to the stated goals and objectives of the civilian establishment, as for Imran Khan promising to make a “Naya Pakistan” soon after his victory in the July 2018 National Assembly elections.
But do we find any mention of it as for the ISI interfering and dictating foreign policy viz a viz important bills and legislations? It’s no open secret that terrorism has bred deep into Pakistan’s body polity with Islamic theocracy and democratic consciousness often running contrary to each other, challenging each other’s sustenance and survival.
Communal identity takes supremacy over individual rights and duties as for a flailing state marred by quarrels and contestation. How can peace be restored when there is almost a sense of insensitivity and insecurity in the minds of a few against the selected others persecuting those indulging in blasphemy of holy Islamic texts and scriptures?
Pakistan’s experiment with restoring peace and dignity collapsing as for lack of appreciation and acknowledgement from military and political establishment settling, accepting and adjusting to this political reality.
India has got the chance to engage and involve countries in the Middle East reflecting upon the unholy nexus of Pakistan and China responsible for the stalemate in the South Asian region. Shouldn’t Imran Khan be exclusively highlighting the pains and miseries of Uyghur Muslims in the Xinjiang province of China?
What actually constrained from acting with resoluteness if for the rights of the Kashmiris after the revocation of Article 370 from Jammu and Kashmir. I am of the opinion that India and Pakistan will have to shun pessimism and should come to the table for a mutually agreed-upon solution to consternation and obstructions derailing bargaining and negotiations.
Also both countries should disown their penchant for patriotic fervour and pride which would do more evil than good with a conservative right-leaning BJP designing and decorating the rules of play.
Remember, a Vajpayee led NDA government in power at the centre organised bus trips to Pakistan’s Lahore in 1998 and Agra summit 2001 with General Parvez Musharraf vowing to tone down some of the excesses committed from his soil.
Everybody knows what happened in Kargil in 1999 but everyone knows what followed after that with an ascendant India vowing revenge to this aggression which was totally mindless resulting in the loss of lives on both sides. This may not end as for provocations and escalations becoming a feature and characteristics of both these countries symbolising their strengths as well as weaknesses.
But this isn’t going to do better to both sides as for an intergovernmental dialogue contributing to an understanding and assessment of the scene and situation at hand. Well, can we trust our neighbour seriously for regional alliances and partnerships, safeguarding collective ideas and interests?
Who would like to take the lead first as for Modi Ji known for presenting the fictions and not facts to his audience surprising and stunning them in his best regards.