Priyanka Chopra is one such name in Bollywood who has shown her work from Bollywood to Hollywood. Indian actress Priyanka Chopra has recently launched her book Unfinished. In this book, the actress has shared many sour and sweet experiences of her life. One of these anecdotes is when she studied in class X and was caught with her boyfriend. In her book, Priyanka told that when she was in class X, she fell in love with a boy named Bob. At that time she lived with her relatives in America. ‘One day Bob and I were sitting at home watching TV, hand in hand. Suddenly I saw outside the window that my aunt was coming inside climbing the stairs. I got scared. It was 2 o’clock in the afternoon, this was not the usual time for his arrival. There was no way for Bob to leave and we both ran towards my room. I asked him to hide in the cupboard. Priyanka further writes in the book, ‘Stay there until I send Aunty to the grocery store. Kiran Aunty entered the house and started looking at every room carefully. I was sitting with my bed biology book in such a way that it seemed that I was studying. She came to the threshold of my room and said ‘open it’ and I asked ‘what should I open’. Auntie said, ‘Open your cupboard.’ I was very nervous because I had never seen Auntie so angry before. I opened the cupboard door and a boy came out of it. Aunt called my mother and said, ‘I can’t believe it lied to me. There was a boy in its cupboard. After this, Priyanka returned from America after studying and participated in Miss India Beauty Contest. After this the actress never looked back. The journey from modeling to Bollywood and then Hollywood has been going on wonderfully.