Dr Vityala Yethindra was born on January 10, 1997, and hails from Warangal, a cultural heritage site and fastest-growing city after Hyderabad in the Telangana state, India. His father Vityala Thirupathi was a businessman and his mother Vityala Anitha was a homemaker. He has an MD (General Medicine) degree from the International University of Kyrgyzstan.
Supporting And Encouraging Peers And PhD Students
Firstly, Dr Yethindra’s impact is voluntary and beyond a purely academic one. He helped a lot of his peers and PhD students. In 2019-2021, he helped 23 peers and 34 PhD students from four universities of Kyrgyzstan with academics and research methodology for free. He further helped them conduct research and acquire positive results in universities. In 2020, he conducted 63 webinars and meetings as the host speaker through Skype and Zoom (March to December) for his peers, clarifying their queries in academics and the field of medical research.
Distinguished World Records
In 2018, Dr Yethindra completed 51 medical courses in nine days from top universities such as Harvard Medical School, University of Derby, etc. and received a world record. In 2019, he received the world record as the World’s Youngest Scientist in Medicine for his contributions to medical research. He has authored two books, namely ‘Essentials of Hematology: Inside Hematology’ published in English, Hindi and Russian that was acknowledged as a world record for the youngest person to write a trilingual book. In 2019, he wrote,
‘The Historical Development of the Heart i.e., from its Formation’ received the Guinness World Record for the longest title of a book with 3,777 words and 26,021 characters.
Breakthroughs In Medical Research
As a researcher, Dr Yethindra proved that fluoxetine and doxycycline inhibit SARS-CoV-2 replication in-vitro; and evaluated the safety and efficacy of umifenovir, heparin, itolizumab and rivaroxaban in patients with Covid-19 and achieved positive results. He has reported and published rare cases of diseases such as epilepsy, neurofibromatosis and ischemic stroke. He has also published 23 research articles in top peer-reviewed journals participated in 14 international conferences, delivered presentations and won eight awards at conferences.
Educational And Medical Campaigns
Dr Yethindra has been an exceptionally hard-working and studious person. He has led several campaigns: Power of your intelligent minds (2016-2018), About the status and prospects of gerontology and geriatrics in the Kyrgyz Republic in 2019, Current aspects of disability in the Kyrgyz Republic in 2020, Ethical issues surrounding false information about coronavirus disease, Coronavirus disease 2019: Ethical and Epidemiological Issues with Clinical Trials, etc.
Awards And Honours
Dr Yethindra has been acknowledged as an ambassador of peace from Mahatma Gandhi Global Peace Forum (MGGPF) for his contributions to humanity, and peacebuilding. He received the MedEngage Award from Metropolis Healthcare Ltd., Mahatma Gandhi National Award 2020 from MGGPF, and the Karmaveer Chakra Award, which is instituted by iCONGO and United Nations for his inspiring research works, voluntary services and academics.
Furthermore, he is an example of change for the upcoming generations.