The meaning of the term karma has undergone a curious evolution. The word is derived from Sanskrit and refers to one’s action, work or deeds. A theory says that the term was originally used to refer to the action of conscious beings, especially human beings. They determine their own destinies through the quality of their acts as an individual is the master of their fate.
In popular use, however, the term has acquired a determinist ring, so that if one sighs, it is because ‘It’s my karma.’ Here, the implication is that one is a helpless victim of destiny. Karma is a bridge that connects every part of the moment, situation, circumstance, sorrow, suffering, rise and fall, acclamation and the downfall. Life’s stages are always counted over decades of one’s experience and karma.
When these experiences are positive and successful, life appears decent and beautiful and the individual can consider themselves the best achiever. And when every moment meets its downfall with the ordeals in life, the individual finds themselves in great devastation. But when this system fails in life, they decide that the reason for present suffering and devastation must lie in a misdeed, which they cannot possibly remember because they did something bad in a former life.
Here, one tries to connect the theory of karma with past life and rebirth. The same goes for good luck as for bad. Accepting the belief of rebirth and karmic retribution is one thing. Understanding how and why it works is another.