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How to use Instagram’s new Nametags feature?

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Instagram is constantly coming up with new features, a new feature that improves the user experience is now with us. Of course, it does not bear the fruit of such great efforts, as a result of all these developments and updates, Instagram is growing approximately 5 times faster than other social media sites


These newly added features not only make the platform richer but also offer good opportunities for people and businesses to publicize their activities, products, and services. From Stories to Instagram TV, you have a multitude of ways to promote yourself or your business.


With the Nametags feature, Instagram has made this even easier. First announced in March, the feature was launched in October.


What are Nametags?

When it was first announced, many users started comparing Snapchat’s QR Snapcodes with Nametags. But they had good reason for that. With a little attention, some similarities do not stand out. However, when we look at the purpose of use, when we see that they offer solutions to different needs, that negative reaction is gone.


While you can use Snapcodes on Snapchat to unlock filters and discover all kinds of other things, including new people and content, Nametags’ focus is more on finding new accounts and easily following them.


So what do these nametags look like and how do we use them?

Everything you need to know if you want to explore the full potential of this feature. Essentially, nametags are QR code-like images that users can scan through the camera. When the code is read in a single step, you can instantly open your Instagram page and start following you, or you can follow the person you have read. We think that this is very useful and may shed light on larger solutions.


Let’s give an example:

Let’s imagine you are holding a presentation in front of a lot of people and you want them to follow you on Instagram. Until now, the only way to do this was to type your username in the search bar and find you, then go to your profile page and follow your account. We all seem to know that no more than a few people will do this.


But now all you have to do is fit your Nametag on the screen you’re presenting to and ask your audience to point their phone cameras at it. Since people can reach you more easily, it is obvious how useful it is compared to the past.


We tell you everything you need to know if you want to explore the full potential of this feature.


Creating and Customizing Your Nametag

If you have updated Instagram to the latest version, your Nametag is already created. To access it, go to your profile and select the hamburger menu in the upper right corner. You will see the Nametags feature in the side menu.

Once you open it, you will see the editor that allows you to customize the Nametag. The first thing you can do is choose between three themes: color, emoji, and selfie. You can change the theme by clicking the button at the top of the screen and then customize the design by tapping anywhere on the screen.


Once you are satisfied with the style, simply leave the editor and the Nametag will be saved. Note that you can change the style at any time.


Sharing Your Nametag

After customizing the nametag, you may want to consider sharing it to get the most out of this feature. The main reason it’s so good is that it’s another visually appealing way to promote your page. It also makes it much easier to drive traffic to your page from different platforms.


Sharing your nametag is easy. All you have to do is open the Nametag editor and click the share icon in the upper right corner. From here, you can do any of the following:


Save the nametag to your camera roll – This is great if you want to send it to people as they meet.

Share on social media – You can choose any major platform to do this.

Text, email, etc. Share with.


There are several ways to promote your Page with Nametag. You can share it online on your blog, website, and just about anywhere. You can also print on business cards, create flyers or put them on posters all over town. When it comes to the number of possibilities, the sky is the limit. Visit our site instant viral to get Instagram followers and likes.


Last word

As you can see, the Nametags feature is not only something that makes the platform more enjoyable to use, it’s also an incredibly powerful tool to get your name.


On average, people spend about 32 minutes on Instagram every day. Using a Nametag can help you be part of one of the quick checks that fit this timeframe

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