The Delhi government has announced the reopening of school, college and coaching campuses from September 1, 2021. Though the number of Covid cases has significantly dipped in the city, the fear of contracting the virus remains very much visible. I still believe that parents should be careful and cautious while sending their wards to school. The school transport should be discontinued so as to not spread the virus.
Additionally, seating arrangements in the classroom should ensure physical distancing for students apart from overcrowded lecture rooms and halls. The Delhi Disaster Management Authority may announce detailed guidelines in this regard after consulting an expert panel constituted by the Delhi Government, but till then, the school staff and students should maintain sensitivity towards maintaining Covid precautions.
Both offline and online interaction will provide important alternatives for students’ presence and participation to the truest of their potential. They might find the opportunity to assist and learn from the Delhi government as it tries its hands in articulating and acknowledging the gaps in the education system. The government is also looking at various schemes and scholarships currently running for the economically weaker section. The time is reaping for acting upon deeds of our commitment and bring change.