Munger MP Lalan Singh, alias Rajiv Ranjan Singh, a close confidante of Bihar CM Nitish Kumar, was recently appointed JDU’s National President after a unanimous decision was taken at the working committee meeting of the party. His promotion is important for two reasons: firstly, after RCP Singh’s inclusion in the Union Cabinet, Nitish Kumar has been fighting competitively to keep his flocks together — both politically and organisationally. Secondly, Jitan Ram Manjhi and Mukesh Kumar Sahani have been making overtures towards Lalu Prasad Yadav’s Rashtriya Janta Dal (RJD) making Nitish perturbed and panicky.
Apart from these, Sushasan babu has an eye on consolidating upper-caste votes while retaining his Koeri-Kurmi vote bank (Luv- Kush). This is an attempt to tackle competition with the BJP after it succeeded as the number one party of the NDA alliance in last year’s assembly elections.
Rotating and shifting roles and ranks is what will basically balance power in a regional political party such as JDU. People look up to JDU for its scale and size. How can a political pointsman like him not take this prescription punctually and politely as his stance stirs people’s emotions and beliefs?
He was a staunch socialist with an appetite to embrace all that he can in his capacity for safeguarding his political survival. Abruptly leaving the RJD was more about his compulsion than a choice for which he neither has any remorse nor repentance. Bihar’s politics has become topsy-turvy with the passage of time, with every leader wanting to live up to his luck, unaware of their compatibility with the arithmetic of alliance, as is taking place now right in front of us. Throwing gestures and glances won’t solve problems.