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India’s four major religions should come together

Thakur Dalip Singh

Char Dharam from India must come together.

India is a country of many religions, with a wide range of religious rituals and beliefs. India’s spiritual terrain has birthed a diversity of religions. These religions are grouped together as Eastern religions. India’s people have a strong belief in religions, believing that they provide meaning and purpose to their lives. All of these Indian faiths have significant commonalities as well as subtle variances that distinguish them from one another. These religions, on the other hand, are emotionally and culturally linked. India is the birthplace of four of the world’s major religious traditions:  Sanatan Hinduism, Sikhism, Jainism and Buddhism.

The four religions mentioned above are derived from Indian culture. The underlying principles of these four religions are the same, however, the ishta and worship methods differ. If we’re talking about the earliest Indian religion, we’re talking about Sanatan Hindu Dharma. Other Indian religions such as Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism arose from Hinduism, yet, today, each of these religions has its own independent existence, which should be preserved.

Char Dharam from India must come together for prosperity.

In addition to these four religions Muslims, Christians, and Jews practise Islam, Christianity and Judaism in India. They are called foreign faiths and were brought to India by foreign invaders who assaulted our country on a regular basis. These foreign religions’ customs, culture, and so on are radically different from those of us who follow Indian religions.

These foreign religions are the greatest threat to our country of India, our Indian religions, and our Indian civilizational culture today. Islam and Christianity are the predominant religions. These foreign religions (Mughals and British) invaded India and attempted to convert our Indian people to their religions by force, but they were unsuccessful. Although these religions ruled over us Indians for a long time, we Indians united against them and drove them out of India. However, today’s foreign religions in India are employing a variety of strategies to persuade followers of Indian religions to switch to their beliefs. And they’re having a lot of success with it; the conversion process in India is moving at a rapid pace. Generally, these poor backward classes convert the underprivileged by seducing or frightening them into religion. These foreign religions have not only converted our country’s citizens, but they have also harmed India’s civilizational culture. Indians have been separated from their old civilization.

Today, the majority of Indians are content simply speaking and writing their country’s name as India or Hindustan. Children at our Indian schools are also given the same names. Whereas our country’s original and old name is “Bharat.” These foreign faiths have created a type of educated people in India today who appear to be Indian yet constantly oppose India on everything and everywhere and persuade others to do so. The number of those who oppose India is not decreasing; in fact, they are increasing.

Today, our ancient Hindu scriptures are referred to as Mithihas; have you ever heard English texts, such as the Bible, referred to as Mithihas? Similarly, today’s citizens of our country are content solely with speaking and listening to English, a foreign language. Our Indian languages, on the other hand, are far more diverse, developed, and ancient than English. However, in the thoughts of Indians today, the English language reigns supreme. In all of this, there are many additional things that are impossible to tell. You may believe that we employ foreign civilisation, culture, and other foreign aspects in our lives today, deliberately or unknowingly. The foreign religions are thriving in India, while the number of people who practice our Indian religions is steadily declining.

Today, the four major religions of India (Sanatan Hindu, Sikh, Jain, and Buddhist) must band together to combat foreign powers. These four religions should live in peace and fight against foreign forces and religions jointly. The culture of India should be preserved and promoted. Only until these four religions unite can Indian culture be preserved. Instead of the word ‘Hindutva,’ the phrase ‘Bharatiyatva’ should be used to unite these four religions. Because only in the name of Bharatiyatva can everyone be unified. There is a lot of controversy over the word Hindutva, so why use the controversial word. Indianness, Indian country, and Indian culture are inextricably linked.

I implore everyone to wake up the Indian people! Everyone should put their petty differences aside and work together for the advancement of your India. He should spread his Indian culture and beliefs wherever he goes. Then and only then will our society, culture, and religion survive. It will be a huge loss for us if we continue to delay gathering.

By Thakur Dalip Singh
twitter: @thakurdalipsing

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