Drug addiction is a big curse that has engulfed the world. Drugs are the silent killers, but they can cause death when taken in high amounts. It has so many consequences as it affects both the physical and mental health of the person.
A drug addict affects their society as well. Drug addiction has given rise to many crimes like harassment, domestic violence, murder, etc. Nowadays teenagers have become the victim of drugs. They have become addicted to it and are not able to make a distinction between right and wrong.
Due to poor attention and weak supervision of parents, they become dependent on it. Youths who are the nation’s future are wasting their precious time, money and life in such activities that are creating havoc in their lives. They know that it has only bad impacts, will make their lives worse, it is not beneficial, but our youth are still engaged in these activities.
Drug addiction has ruined our social, physical and mental life. A drug addict loses respect in society, becomes physically weak and vulnerable to disease. They become the victim of many psychological problems like stress, depression, hypertension, etc.
Being a youth, I have experienced such issues where drugs seem to be the last hope, but if we try to solve such situations the right way by avoiding these drugs, we can save so many lives around us. We have to make people understand that drugs are not the solution to any problem; they are a problem itself that has a dreadful end.
A drug addict doesn’t know what they are doing because they have lost their senses. This activity doesn’t have any positive impact. It makes the life of the whole family hell when a member is a drug addict. Seeing these negative impacts, it is better to avoid such activities that can ruin our lives.
Our life is a gift of Almighty. We should not waste it on these false activities. We should make our parents proud of us as they are sacrificing so many things for us. We can’t return the sacrifices they made for us, but we should try to bring a smile to their face by giving them a reason to be proud.
“Kick the heroine and be the real hero.”