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These 3 Photographers Will Change The Way You Think About Photography

This is an image of person with a disability on a wheelchair

Can people with hearing impairment be professional photographers with an everlasting urge for self-improvement?

Can a millennial on the autism spectrum capture creativity while giving close attention to minute details?

Can a person with an intellectual disability have a good sense of colour and texture required for photography?

Photography is the art of expressing emotions, thoughts, and ideas. It is a passion that does not discriminate, an ability that is not bothered by disability. There are many experts and fresh photographers around, but it can be difficult at times to choose the ones best suited for you.

We are showcasing the talents of our photographers, hereby making it easier for you to look as to which of our photographer’s style matches your requirements. One thing common among all our photographers is that no matter what they have to shoot and under what circumstances, they all know how to make it beautiful by capturing the true emotions and natural beauty of precious moments. Let’s meet these brilliant craftsmen who are in the business of immortalizing moments.

Raj Shah: The Master Of Street Photography

Keeping the streets alive in his photographs

Extremely lively and passionate, Raj Shah never considered his hearing impairment a disadvantage. Rather, he turned towards the camera and discovered his love for photography at an early age. He believes that photography gave him a new perspective on life.

He has worked as an assistant photographer, the experience which gave him exposure to professional photography. He associates himself with varied genres of photography, ranging from nature photography to abstract photography. With photography, he began a new journey in his life which made him confident and gave him satisfaction.

Being a hearing-impaired person, he feels that one of the challenges for him is communication, although sign language is his strength. With time, he has sharpened his skills in photography which helped him overcome the challenges of communication.

He believes photography is all about visualizing a picture in mind and then bringing it out in the form of a photograph. He is a very passionate, patient and ambitious photographer who strives to capture a varied range of emotions and details.

Ready for an adventure? Get on board with Raj Shah, who has a great talent for recording images with his mind here.

Ashish Salla: The Passionate Photographer

Ashish Salla is a young, passionate and energetic photographer from Navi Mumbai whose eyes are filled with dreams and hopes for a better and inclusive future. Extremely kind and loving, Ashish enjoys driving, going out with friends and meeting new people. He is very friendly, cooperative and sensitive. He can easily understand things that are explained.

He believes photographs are beautiful moments that are captured which can be cherished lifelong. He loves capturing different shades, emotions and moments. He believes that it allows him to connect with and understand emotions at a deeper level.

He showcases his skills and interest in genres of photography like Macro photography, Portrait photography, Nature photography and Wildlife photography. Hearing impairment has never been an obstacle for him to learn and grow because of the love and support of his dear ones. It was never a full stop to any of his dreams or passion. Rather it was a starting point of the race of life for him, the race which was with his own self in search of his unrecognized potential.

Photography helped him to win over his fear and made him confident. The camera is his best friend, and he is very patient with his work. He is constantly practising the art of photography and getting better at it with each passing day.

Anup Jha: The Experience Seeker

Capturing the essence of life

Anup Jha believes in living life to the fullest and making the best out of it. He is a very hardworking and compassionate human who never complains about having a hearing impairment and has accepted it happily as part of himself. He believes humans in themselves have the power of the whole universe.

He loves travelling to new places, meeting new people, and engaging in new experiences. He is extremely good in genres of photography like Nature, Astro, Street, Portrait, Landscape, Wildlife, and Travel. He says the majority of people generally avoid giving photography opportunities to hearing-impaired people as they feel it is difficult to communicate their choices.

His biggest challenge has been to fight this stereotype. Because of his hearing impairment, many people demotivated him. Still, whenever he got the opportunity, he has given his best with his innovative and creative style and has left a mark on his work.

He even carries a notebook with him so that if a person for whom he clicks a picture does not understand his sign language, he writes and communicates with them, but the passion for doing his work with perfection always remains unaltered. He has worked as an event photographer and has even done various unpaid photography projects. He believes that if you travel within, you will travel the whole world and beyond.

Are you ready to experience the thrill of photography with Anup Jha who has the skills to notice the extraordinary in the ordinary?

Do you want a sneak-peek into the masterpieces our photographer’s eyes have captured?

This picture brings forth the beautiful play of shadows.
The mother in the picture is walking on the street in search of shelter. The small child was happily walking with his mother as he trusts that his mother will definitely find a safe place to stay and she will support him always.
A beautiful shot of a street.

For such masterpieces hire our talent house of photographers here!

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Until next time,
Your Atypical Buddy!

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