As June approaches an end, half of the year climaxes to finish accordingly. Who thought the year’s six months would depart so rapidly from us. Perhaps it hints accurately at how fast flies time. However, what is bidding good-bye and how can it be stopped? The best piece of the clock cannot be readjusted now. It will by and by die down fittingly in a restless night. The moment we wake up from deep slumber, it comes as if we are gliding into another dream. Now summer has completely settled into us like a blood infection. It happens each year and we abide by this natural course. Therefore there is no need to cry for the lost days of June which goes into the oblivion of history forever.

The departure of June annoys the younger youths who fond sufficient time in play during their vacation in this very month. They feel like what some youngsters said, finding the month leaving us we fret and fume at devoting time to studies once again. Our freedom ends with the month’s end. It is only we who understand the value of freedom from books, enjoying full sleep, and browsing games on the mobile.
This month remains atrocious owing to the humid weather and disruption in the electricity supply. In absence of the rains, the temperature continued to test our patience. Most of us start taking interest in the forecast about the daily temperature. When it will rain cats and dogs remain our prerogatives during the longer and hotter days of this very month. As we very well know about the month that it gives a promise of predawn thunderstorms that leaves white and pink petals torn from the dogwoods and strewn all over the dark aisle of the rain-slick streets, lanes, and roads.