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Genome Sequencing In India Amid The Arrival Of The Delta Plus Variant

Delta Plus has been classified as a variant of concern by members of the scientific community for its rapid rate of transmission. Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Kerala, Karnataka have been recently impacted with the increase in the number of Delta Covid cases amid the crunch of resources in tackling the banality of the pandemic.

Apart from the genome sequencing of the mutant, it would be better for us to coordinate and collaborate with countries where this mutant has begun picking up and is responsible for the onset of the third wave. Britain has been one of them where significant curbs and containment strategies have been invoked by the government to bring the cases under check.

Also, the guidelines by the World Health Organisation are as important as the pandemic offering a clarity for dealing with the consequences of the crisis, which has wrecked a havoc on the lives, livelihood and liberty of the people sailing through in the dead. How do they console, calm and compose themselves for the loss of their loved and near ones?

No, their isn’t any remedy for their bitterness and loneliness, which takes away from them a psychological sense of association, engagement and involvement with their fellows for the want of love, honour, dignity and respect. A bond of camaraderie is what makes us people who believe in sharing, caring, nourishing, nurturing and harbouring sentiments against deceit and deceptions of a new normal of contemporary consumerist class consciousness.

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