“I’m so dumb, I can’t even solve this problem,” “I am just a mediocre kind of a person.” These are some of the statements we may say to ourselves, unintentionally or jokingly. The smallest of errors we make or failures that we go through lead us to realise that we’re not good enough. Why? Why can’t we learn to love ourselves, appreciate the fact that we have come a long way from where we were and how much progress we have made in life? These are also the smallest of achievements in life. Why do our achievements always have to be about studies or our career? Question yourself.
For some, it might have been a long journey and a struggle to reach a higher level. Since we have to reach that level, we are constantly in competition with others and in the process, we forget who we are, we forget that this wasn’t how we should live our life. We forget that we’re only humans and it is alright to make mistakes and that unless and until we don’t make mistakes, how will we learn.
We’re always so rude to ourselves sometimes, we even pinch ourselves or mock or scold ourselves. We don’t treat ourselves as an entity who has a heart. Why not start thinking that there is a soul inside? So, let’s take care of it gently as if it were a baby. In the current scenario, it is highly important to take care and show love to oneself. Check in with yourself by asking, “What do you love about yourself” or “What did you like about today.”
Self-love, as per studies, helps you become happier. You don’t depend on others or your relationships to be happy anymore. You learn to appreciate yourself more. It also helps in keeping anxiety and depression at bay. Engaging in mindfulness helps a lot. Sometimes, it is alright to be mediocre, as it helps release the pressure we continuously put on ourselves. In fact, did you know that perfectionists are actually at a higher risk of developing mental and physical illness?
To conclude, it’s alright to fail, it’s alright to not reach up to your expectations at times, it’s just part of being human. Let’s live and let live. See beauty with its imperfections, embrace life as it comes, love yourself a bit more, hug and caress yourself first and you’ll see the magic that occurs!