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For All Those Who Face Anxiety Issues, You Are Not Alone

anxiety stress

That feeling when we begin to doubt that something may go wrong, filled with negativity, this feeling leads to “worry”. As per definition, worry is a feel or cause to feel anxious or troubled about actual or potential problems. It is a negative emotion that may worsen your mental health if pondered over for a prolonged period.

Worry can be a consequence of a financial crisis, academic strains, relationship issues, or even worry for a friend or a family member when going through something painful or stressful. It is a normal feeling as it is human to worry or feel anxious.

For instance, if one is worried about their upcoming board exams, it is natural or even a boon as it may encourage them to work harder. However, if that same worry causes sleep disturbances, loss of appetite, restlessness, irritability, etc., it definitely can be mentally exhausting or can even lead to burnout. This is when one needs to take a step back and focus on their emotional needs. Engage in leisure activities like dancing, singing, painting, sketching, etc. One needs to take a break to feel better mentally to get back on track in a stronger manner.

corona lockdown stress
Ever since the pandemic, stress levels have been on the rise with 43% Indians suffering from depression.

Personally speaking, worry/anxiety has been a part of my life for a long time due to the pandemic’s onset. It made me feel stressed for no reason. I got nightmares, didn’t get to sleep properly. I became irritable and had a strange feeling inside me. That is when I learnt how to reach out for help to people who are close to me, or even a counsellor. I learnt to relax for some days until I felt better.

To conclude, this is for all those readers who face anxiety issues or worry, remember you are not alone. This feeling can be emotionally draining. However, it would help if you did things that make you happy and reach out to others. Why bottle up those emotions and make it worse for yourself? Maybe do something new?

Everyone does need a change in life for the better after all. Become selfish to suit your emotional needs; it’s high time.

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