In this article, we will discuss mental health during the pandemic, access to sanitary products and home remedies for cramps, and other period trauma.
What If Sanitary Products Become Unavailable?

With the sudden lockdown that was imposed in India, how do you access sanitary pads? As of today, some manufacturers of period supplies report their supply chains are still producing and delivering at normal speed. It’s unlikely but not impossible that if people panic more, tampons and pads might suddenly disappear from the shelves. Myna Mahila Foundation is one such organization that is still manufacturing low-cost pads at its centers.
You can browse online websites like Big Basket and Amazon for sanitary products. They can easily bring sanitary products to your doorstep, be it menstrual cups, sanitary napkins, tampons, etc. Many people are still unaware of this as sanitary products are *NOT GOOD FOR SALE*.
Dealing With Anxiety During The Pandemic
Dealing with a viral outbreak that we have never seen before, plus being isolated at home is leaving a lot of people feeling down. If you’re feeling anxious and uncertain, know that your feelings are totally normal and valid. Anxiety can cause stress and stress can delay your period. Symptoms/signs can be in the form of mood swings, body aches, cramps, etc. Not only can the above cause you irritation but also make people around you uncomfortable.

“Anxiety”, a term with which the younger generation is very familiar, can definitely worsen during the quarantine. According to the National Institutes of Health, nearly 1 in 3 of ‘young people’ suffer from anxiety on a daily basis. And now during the pandemic, with quarantining, the youth is unable to socialize, for obvious reasons, but it is more serious than it sounds.
It is especially bad for those who live alone. Not meeting people for weeks is a struggle. Stress can impact both mental and physical health. Some folks with underlying anxiety or obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) are feeling triggered right now. If you’re feeling mentally impacted by the Corona-Virus news, the best thing to do is to focus on yourself and practice some self-care.
Scrolling through your news feed, you may find everyone posting pictures of the new painting they finished, a certificate of completion of a course on Edx or Coursera, a new dish they made, etc. Looking at all these things can sometimes make you feel low. This lockdown made us adapt to a completely new lifestyle, the one you never expected to see ourselves in.
It’s completely normal if you do not feel like doing anything productive- such as learning a new skill, improving your grades, etc. During this lockdown, make sure your thoughts do not take over you and try to have a positive notation about the present situation. It’s very important to take care of yourself during this time.
Here are some ways you can do so:
- Revisit an old hobby.
- Fix some things around the house.
- Find an indoor workout routine that you enjoy.
- Monitor your media intake.
Alternatives To Sanitary Napkins
When there is no other option, we can look at what people who menstruate do with limited resources. When menstrual products aren’t available, many people use a small cloth or tissue paper. A cotton sock may be thin enough to be worn comfortably in underwear. Everyone who menstruates has had to improvise at some point!
Menstrual cramps definitely can make you feel uncomfortable during your periods. Here are some home remedies to deal with menstrual cramps during this pandemic without you stepping out of the house:
- Basil leaves (Tulsi) is a divine herb used in many ayurvedic medicines. Boil a bunch of the leaves in water and steep it for 5 minutes. Strain it into a glass and add a teaspoon of honey. Drink this regularly every day for a couple of weeks.
- Cinnamon is a spice commonly used in Indian cuisines. Boil 2 teaspoons of cinnamon in water. Steep it for 10 minutes, strain, and add a teaspoon of honey. Drink it daily for a couple of weeks.
- Sesame oil can be used to massage your lower abdomen while menstruating to reduce the pain.
- Drinking hot fluids and taking a shower in hot water can also help in reducing the pain.
During this lockdown, we need to ensure that we dispose of the sanitary napkins in a very hygienic way. Make sure you wrap the used napkins in a newspaper before throwing them in a bin. Wash your hands with soap and warm water after disposing of it. Do not flush the used sanitary napkins in a toilet, as this can cause the blockage of the sewer. It can also pollute streams and rivers, cause hormonal changes in the wildlife, and enable harmful organisms to enter the food chain.
During this lockdown, we are also supposed to make note that we can be asymptomatic carriers of the COVID-19 virus, therefore proper disposal of the napkins can be one of the measures we can do to prevent the spread of the virus.
During this pandemic even though we are virtually surrounded by everyone, you may feel lonely. Remember, that we’re all in this together!
The article has been written by Himasutha Reddy and Pooja Shah.