Site icon Youth Ki Awaaz


Last Sunday, I saw Meena, wearing an old shabby mask, sweeping the garden of our society. Yesterday, I saw her, collecting garbage from every single floor of the society and today she was carrying a clay pot upon her head. Meena is a 14 years of inferior girl staying in an old quarter near our society with her father. Her mother died last year due to cardiac attack. Her father Kamlesh, works as a drudge in an office. However, with such low earnings, he was somehow able to manage Meena’s school fees. Everything was going smoothly in their life prior to COVID-19 pandemic. Lockdown was announced in each and every corner of the country. Pandemic situations were not equal for everybody. Meena was unaware of the fact that this pandemic is going to be a turn of tide for her life. Her father was kicked out from his job. Now there was no source of income for them. They began to spend their reserves for meeting their daily needs. Meena began to realize how difficult it is to survive without money, nearly the survival is unimaginable. On the other side Kamlesh started drinking alcohol on regular basis and soon he became a tippler. He used to beat her solely 14 years old girl child. In the beginning months of pandemic, Kamlesh was recognized as dipsomaniac in nearby areas. Meena used to sleep in a fasted state. The little innocent girl began to grasp her responsibilities. She decided to leave her studies in order to earn money for herself and her father. Due to massive outbreak of COVID she was not getting any work. She worked as a sweeper, garbage collector and even worked in construction side. I went towards her and asked about her schooling. Immediately she threw her clay pot and began to cover her neck with her both hands. I stood there struck dumb when I saw read marks on her neck. I took her to my home and gave her a glass of water and asked about all her circumstances. Her eyes were completely flooded with tears. She narrated how Kamlesh beat her with belts and shoes. Even I was unable to control my tears. Daily she was seen doing some or another work with a smile on her face……..

I wonder there would be numerous girls like Meena in each and every society, who would have faced scads of people like Kamlesh……..!!!!!


Doesn’t matter its corona period or times before pandemic, women always go through fire and water (get target) by some vultures of the society. Rape and violence among women have been on highest esteems even in pandemic times. These crimes against women doesn’t need any reason to get vindicate in any sense. The one and only main cause for such violation prevailing in the society is the mindset of ravishers. During pandemic, everyday we witnessed five to six rape cases either on global networks or newspapers. Only these 5-6 cases get the attention of courts and media but what about  those thousands cases where “SHE SHOULD JUST BE SILENT” is said. This is not only the matter of getting assiduity, but rapists in those cases moves freely out of the coop whereas victims tact themselves inside four walls. These rape cases, domestics bullying and physically rough handling are all included in violence against women.


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