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Reverse engineering of a software

It means once a software is made it changed furthur according to the need of user. Some changes are made in the old software that is known as reverse engineering. It is very essential in the software industry so that the user can cope with the modern world. With the passage of time the old system is updated and new is introduced. Making a new software from scratch is hard, time consuming and cost is also affected. In this way new system is introduced and cost is not affected. Such methods are introduced to support user. All the old softwares are available for new things that are in the market. New world is for new softwares. Software industry is expanding due to such methods and they are less costly. Modern ways are very interesting and they provide all the new ways to cope with the world. New things are the real things and software in the world is very interesting. Software industry is easily captured by such developers and new design is made from old design. New world is an era ofor new designers and softwares.

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